Elara Keime : Writing

A Christmas to Remember

A Christmas to Remember

A Story by Elara Keime

When a young Air Force pilot crashes in the Black Forest just weeks before Christmas, it will end up changing the way he and his whole family look at ..
1000 Years

1000 Years

A Book by Elara Keime

When a terminally ill young girl meets an undead doctor, could they be just what the other one has been needing? (I started this LONG before readin..
Ch. 1

Ch. 1

A Chapter by Elara Keime

Hana sat alone in the garden outside the hospital. It was a cool day, and she pulled her jacket tighter around her thin b..
Ch. 2

Ch. 2

A Chapter by Elara Keime

Later that evening, Sabishii woke up in the bed, not even having realized that he had fallen asleep. Stretching, he got u..
CH. 3

CH. 3

A Chapter by Elara Keime

Hours later, Hana slowly forced her way up through the dark veil of unconsciousness. As she came closer to the light, she..
Ch. 4

Ch. 4

A Chapter by Elara Keime

The next morning, Hana’s life went back to the normal morning routine of a hospital. The nurse had just taken away her break..
True Love's Release

True Love\'s Release

A Book by Elara Keime

A combination of the classic Beauty and the Beast tale, combined with the Disney version and the 80's TV show staring Ron Pearlman and Linda Hamilton,..
Ch. 1

Ch. 1

A Chapter by Elara Keime

A long time ago in a small village there lived a man named Benjamin. He was a poor farmer of very common and humble origi..


A Chapter by Elara Keime

Benjamin spent the next few days locked in his house, trying to come to terms with his new fate. When he finally got the courage to leave, he wore a l..
Ch. 3

Ch. 3

A Chapter by Elara Keime

It was on one of these visits that he would make a fateful decision. There was a traveling carnival in one of the nearby towns..

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