bboooyd : Writing

Father Time

Father Time

A Poem by bboooyd

He rushes to fallwhite beard swinging at his waist.Summer’s pendulum
About Time

About Time

A Poem by bboooyd

He’ll watch skin peel from your bones like embers off a fired log. A fixed stare that sees through who you were And he’ll m..
Past Now

Past Now

A Poem by bboooyd

My heaving mind wakes Amid midnight terror dreams Where I once was. Still


A Poem by bboooyd

I'm a handful

I'm a handful

A Poem by bboooyd

A hodgepodge of thoughts, ideas, and time, whip across my minds eye. An imagined eyelid moves to block the blow, to stanch the swell of this chaos. ..
the end of we

the end of we

A Poem by bboooyd

A firmness absent in recent encountersprovides bright heat contrary to the cold tears.Your lips seek refuge on mine.I can feel you shudder;A slick rol..
Drop Let Go

Drop Let Go

A Poem by bboooyd

Drops splash down and green the leaves. Dead leaves sometimes sit on sidewalks holding these drops. The clear liquid beads up inside them and settle..
Every Mans Collection

Every Mans Collection

A Poem by bboooyd

Chunks of unused foods snuggle tightly to torn tissues. Evaporation clings and Indistinguishable liquids issue ..