Drew Given : Writing

Bend it like Sodom

Bend it like Sodom

A Story by Drew Given

A satire of American values and the hypocrisy therein
I Plead the 14th

I Plead the 14th

A Poem by Drew Given

Inspired by a (presently) -26 downvoted comment on the libertarian subreddit: "How does 200 years of racist laws and policies that affect generationa..


A Poem by Drew Given

How it be sometimes
Love Me Tinderly

Love Me Tinderly

A Poem by Drew Given

Happy swiping
Dear Anxiety

Dear Anxiety

A Poem by Drew Given

This felt good
F**k the 2nd Amendment

F**k the 2nd Amendment

A Poem by Drew Given

See title.
Rising Tide

Rising Tide

A Poem by Drew Given

Metaphors and s**t
The Target

The Target

A Story by Drew Given

A little cynicism goes a long way.


A Poem by Drew Given

Getting back into it
Settlers of Catan

Settlers of Catan

A Poem by Drew Given

You know you play this game too much when...

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