Kristen : Writing

Well Placed Words

Well Placed Words

A Poem by Kristen

I used to be your confidant Evert secret was well kept Then She whispered in your ear Told you what you wanted to hear Now you barely know me A..
Don't Hide

Don't Hide

A Poem by Kristen

Why do you hide? Why did you turn your back? I will never understand. You run from God, You run from me. We used to be best friends Now you se..
Your own critic

Your own critic

A Poem by Kristen

Oh my dear It's judgement that you fear Why do you run When all has been said and done? I can't conceive Why you refuse to acheive. You shy away..


A Chapter by Kristen

Prologue Moving Day Michelle had her nose glued to the backseat window of Mommy and Daddy’s car. “Look! Look! There it is! There it i..


A Book by Kristen

The Locket

The Locket

A Poem by Kristen

The Locket On the birthday of my sixteenth year, I was presented with a locket How thrilled I was with it For it was all mine! This locket, T..
My Desert

My Desert

A Poem by Kristen

My Desert My home is arid. Dry and barren, Hardly any water, Droughts occur often. The Cacti pricks and pokes But I do not mind The crick..
I Wonder

I Wonder

A Poem by Kristen

I Wonder Mabey if I had done something differently, You would still be here. Mabey If I hadn’t insisted that we stay, just for one more ..
Daily Memory

Daily Memory

A Poem by Kristen

Daily Memory I cannot bring myself to say That you won't come back. You might be gone But I still feel you here next to me. I can sense that..
In the Forest

In the Forest

A Poem by Kristen

In the forest I listened For a whisper For a cry of a human I heard nothing and sighed I was alone. So I roamed, I roamed the forest Without ..

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