K.T.S : Writing

1. Human

1. Human

A Chapter by K.T.S

Cole rested her fingers on the door handle. Paint flecks and bruises dappled her bare arms, still golden despite the early winter. Storms shook ..
An ellusion of faith

An ellusion of faith

A Poem by K.T.S

You ask the question very well When will I be Arabelle? Your rage and insults, how you yell. And tell the lie you always tell. You..
Part 1: Love Nobody

Part 1: Love Nobody

A Chapter by K.T.S

Mars buttoned his trousers as the girl heaved a sigh and slid away. Her name-tag, Lily, upheld a lie against her orange uniform"she’d told..


A Book by K.T.S

A short story that follows the heart of a killer and the object of his affections, who may turn out to be the only one who can unmask him, but at a te..
If Ever You Are Lost

If Ever You Are Lost

A Poem by K.T.S

Since you were born You have wanted to dance To move easily through raindrops Let yourself be kissed by sunlight to live awake nev..


A Poem by K.T.S

bury you breathe me take love leave me trust lost deceive me heaven earth evening day night every late early eve dream edge rush race back forwa..
The Insomnia Diaries

The Insomnia Diaries

A Poem by K.T.S

If I, like you, was a poetI'd let myself down easyunder the covers, over the sheets,sleeping in sidecars and riding trains to another destinynot mine,..
The Knot

The Knot

A Chapter by K.T.S

Sloane tried to stay awake. But the world, the sunlight warm through the leaves, the tree trunk secure behind her and that familiar, beautiful, ..
The Blade

The Blade

A Chapter by K.T.S

The metallic song of swords charged the air as Sloane approached. What could have been a perfectly ordinary night, exploring and destroying anim..

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