Hannah : Writing

Gee, Them Canadians

Gee, Them Canadians

A Poem by Hannah

I can't say much that I know Canada's heart,So how should I begin, how should I start.I know exactly three, and how weird that they can be,My math tea..


A Story by Hannah

Seeking Mansion: Insufficient Elbowroom For Posterity


A Story by Hannah

Shivering in fear, I cower under the meager shelter of the rickety old table, flinching violently in whole-body convulsions at every slight n..
If Only

If Only

A Story by Hannah

Yawn. I stretch, but even as I do that, I could hear my stomach growling angrily at me for not feeding it. With a sight, I go to find some fo..


A Story by Hannah

Hunting. Crouch, wait, pounce, capture, kill. Amazing how such a simple, boring routine could support such a complicated world of life. I bit into th..
The Dandelion's Journey

The Dandelion's Journey

A Poem by Hannah

The Beginning:My first sight as i opened my arms,Breathed in fresh air,In the new world,Was the bright sun of the heavensShining down at me.Warming me..


A Poem by Hannah

What we all strive for, is it not this? Hidden as a batholith, is it not bliss? For is that not what we humans crave, What we wish before t..
Boundless Fighting

Boundless Fighting

A Poem by Hannah

Always, always, he’s having a fit, In perfect symphony, it’s a battle of our wits. No matter how hard the elders try, Until the ..