Karel : Writing

the Rat

the Rat

A Story by Karel

I wrote this for the competition "Sun Poisoned".
Prologue: Ata

Prologue: Ata

A Chapter by Karel

At one point, Ata was untouched. There was no air, no land, no water. What Ata was, it just Was. Truthfully, there was no beginning for Ata, but since..


A Book by Karel

A story about the Fall of Science in a World known as Ata.
The World

The World

A Poem by Karel

A poem/ song I created for my FFVII: Advent Children Fanfic. It is a Bird song and so it was translated from that language, thus it may not rhyme. ..


A Poem by Karel

Kind of a rambling poem. Not really much meaning to it. Based on Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, obviously. Just so you know, I've never watched t..