Michelle Samson : Writing



A Poem by Michelle Samson

We are jesus' hands and feet on earth
wedding bells

wedding bells

A Poem by Michelle Samson

When mommy no longer tolerates your ‘forever and a day’ slumbers When she strategically keeps you with her in kitchen When she wh..
paper- cut

paper- cut

A Poem by Michelle Samson

paper cut hurts you why? Got one this morn, sigh! Oh! The Pain so high, Who knows the reason why? The nerves! Yeah its them; How they ..
do we see them?

do we see them?

A Story by Michelle Samson

those little hands begging for bread.....
my mother's lap

my mother's lap

A Story by Michelle Samson

oftentimes we fail to count our greatest blessings
The antique girl

The antique girl

A Story by Michelle Samson

it is about a granny I spent the last 8 months with.