chris hoagland : Writing

to Katie

to Katie

A Poem by chris hoagland

for my amazing girlfriend
the beauty of nothing

the beauty of nothing

A Poem by chris hoagland

i would wake upnever smelling the flowersbut hiding in the shadowsnever with the monsters i had met or the creatures id seenwith knives and blades the..
"family" LGBT begening

"family" LGBT begening

A Poem by chris hoagland

spoken word brainstorming
i am me, you are you

i am me, you are you

A Poem by chris hoagland

"i am not good a writing" because you have never written! you have to write and write to become a writer
a wise man

a wise man

A Poem by chris hoagland

someone i look up to once told me this- bonus points to who guesses him corectly :P
The Edge Of A Heartless Blade

The Edge Of A Heartless Blade

A Poem by chris hoagland

trigger warning!!! this is mostly about my experiences going through depression and self harm


A Poem by chris hoagland

Just some motivation kind of poem I wrote
Street signs

Street signs

A Poem by chris hoagland

another short poem i made
Lost words

Lost words

A Poem by chris hoagland

just a short thing i wrote today
How long?

How long?

A Poem by chris hoagland

some spoken word poetry i wrote recently

Love Me Not
1986, Penny Herrera falls into the predatory clutches of Matt, an older man who has no other intention than to alter Pen