Crysta denOuden : Writing

Full Summary

Full Summary

A Chapter by Crysta denOuden

Far across the sea lies an island called Avalon, where mythical creatures roam freely, where magic is real, and where the kingdoms of Summer and Winte..


A Chapter by Crysta denOuden

�"PROLOGUE�" One Year Ago The Winter King bent over his table, his finger tracing the path the spell had formed, and ..


A Chapter by Crysta denOuden

�"TWO�" Earlier that morning, a Winter scout had arrived with a message that Felix had found the Princess and would ha..
The Shadow Men

The Shadow Men

A Book by Crysta denOuden

Far across the sea lies an island called Avlaon, where magic is real and the kingdoms of Summer and winter have been at war for 17 years. Avalon is ..

Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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