Charlotte aspin : Writing

Mary's little lamb dinner

Mary's little lamb dinner

A Poem by Charlotte aspin

A first draft of an excerpt from my new project CURSORY RHYMES. My take on Mary's little lamb
Jack or Jill?

Jack or Jill?

A Poem by Charlotte aspin

My own version of classic nursery rhymes --- CURSORY RHYMES! part of no new project, first full draft
Mother Hubbard 2.0

Mother Hubbard 2.0

A Poem by Charlotte aspin

Old mother Hubbard, reworked into my own version of a nursery rhyme... A CURSERY RHYME! *new project alert*


A Story by Charlotte aspin

Another snippet from my flash fiction slim volume SUCK.


A Story by Charlotte aspin

This is a snippet flash fiction from my book SUCK. I work best with short snappy fiction. I can't decide between prose and poetry half the time so I..