marchmadness : Writing

Chapter One: Foreign Tongues

Chapter One: Foreign Tongues

A Chapter by marchmadness

Get on that train and move as fast as you can to the very back away from all the people. Shield your face, and please, do not talk to anyone!I reci..


A Story by marchmadness

She was impossibly beautiful. Impossibly shaped like the most petite hourglass one could find. Her skin was like a not yet ripened peach; the color ..
Chapter Two: An Act of Kindness.

Chapter Two: An Act of Kindness.

A Chapter by marchmadness

“Hallo?” I gentle voice called. Someone was nudging at my shoulders. “Peter, help this young girl!” My eyes peeled open to t..
Chapter 3: an unlikely act of kindness.

Chapter 3: an unlikely act of kindness.

A Chapter by marchmadness

Chapter Four: Knock At the Door

Chapter Four: Knock At the Door

A Chapter by marchmadness

My sisters lived on a grassy, secluded hill in a one bedroom farmhouse. It was a verdant area with small hills everywhere. Growing up on a farm, thi..
Chapter 4: a continuance

Chapter 4: a continuance

A Chapter by marchmadness

“What did she say?” The soldier speaking to us eyed both me and Magda, cocking his gun. Magda didn’t speak German well, it was bro..