Cindy xmas : Writing



A Poem by Cindy xmas

Ms. Smith Took Care Of Her Children And Grandchildren The Best Way She Knew How, But Look At Her Grandchildren And Her Children Now. She Went Throug..
Ms. Divorce

Ms. Divorce

A Poem by Cindy xmas

Ms. Divorce Saw You And Your Man, Walking Down The Street, Holding Each Other’s Hand. Ms. Divorce Don’t Like What She See, And She Tell..
Never Commit Suicide

Never Commit Suicide

A Poem by Cindy xmas

Life will get us down at time but when it does get your boxing gloves and get ready to rumble. Keep believing in yourself, keep the faith and all will..
The Fight Against Life

The Fight Against Life

A Poem by Cindy xmas

The poem talks about living in poverty and having to struggle to survive. However, once you keep trying and you don't give up one day you can get out ..
Use Condoms

Use Condoms

A Poem by Cindy xmas

This poem is just giving the young people some advice on being wise when it comes to having sex. Use protection if you are not ready for children.


A Poem by Cindy xmas

The poem speaks for itself.


A Poem by Cindy xmas

The female in this poem is insecure, and because of that she stays with her abusive boyfriend, feeling that no one else will love her. However, in the..