RealmWriter : Writing

Life is Withering

Life is Withering

A Poem by RealmWriter

Life can be plentiful,but is plagued by destruction.Always seeing these cell phone ads,On YouTube and every corner I turn.Technology is advancing, and..
What They Didn't Know

What They Didn't Know

A Poem by RealmWriter

This is a realistic poem, it's about trusting the wrong person cause they wore a mask. They faked who they were and the world thought differently, and..
Petals in Ashes

Petals in Ashes

A Story by RealmWriter

The sky burns brightly, as I watch the world I once had burn down.Steps wither away with each step I take, no light, no sound.My heart shattered like ..
Inspiration for the day

Inspiration for the day

A Story by RealmWriter

If you having a rough day, I want you to read the following. Over the last few days, I've listened to others and to my heart. I may not be an inspirat..
A Reason To Fight

A Reason To Fight

A Poem by RealmWriter

Silence, perched on my shoulder like that of a parrot.Though the silence she mocks me,Speaking in the corrupt voices of those who doubt me.Those that ..
The Wings She'll Grow

The Wings She'll Grow

A Story by RealmWriter

Time seems to wither away, slowly like the seconds that count to midnight. The leaves on the trees grow a tainted orange, anddull yellow. A bleak bree..
Chapter 1: Distressed

Chapter 1: Distressed

A Chapter by RealmWriter

Pastel clouds littered the night sky, peeking from behind them the twinkling stars; as though they were playing Peek-a-boo. The cold, salty; frigid a..
Chapter 2: Elder Appearance

Chapter 2: Elder Appearance

A Chapter by RealmWriter

Hesitating for a moment, I held my breath trying to figure out whether I should be freaking out or not. I exhaled allowing Reina to have an option to..
Lykos' Rain

Lykos' Rain

A Book by RealmWriter

My own characters and some gods, as well as creatures. I'll be sure to add in photos when I have the chance. But it's based off of greek mythology. I..
Please Don't Cut

Please Don't Cut

A Story by RealmWriter

This is an anti-suicide story and I beg any readers, if self harm takes apart in your daily life. Please, please, please reach out to someone. Your no..

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