Kaitlyn Danielle : Writing

Mother's Love

Mother's Love

A Poem by Kaitlyn Danielle

Kind of a happier dedication to my mother.
Tears of a Mother

Tears of a Mother

A Poem by Kaitlyn Danielle

Dedicated to my mother.
Fallen Angel

Fallen Angel

A Poem by Kaitlyn Danielle

There's not much to say about this one...enjoy?


A Poem by Kaitlyn Danielle

My friend help me out with this one, she should be given credit too.
Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams

A Poem by Kaitlyn Danielle

I wrote this after waking up one morning. I guess I grew tired of holding in my nightmares.


A Poem by Kaitlyn Danielle

I was writting this during and after a relantionship I had.
Free Falling

Free Falling

A Poem by Kaitlyn Danielle

I started this in my English classroom and well I meant it to be a happy, cheerful one...and well it turned out like this.