Mrblack : Writing



A Poem by Mrblack

Mental health poem
Do You Think I'm Ok?

Do You Think I'm Ok?

A Poem by Mrblack

Poem about mental health
The Devil's Ritual

The Devil's Ritual

A Poem by Mrblack

Gather, oh brethren of the night, Draw near, oh children of the moon, For we have a task to undertake, One that will cleanse the world of doom. ..
Putin war

Putin war

A Story by Mrblack

Horror story about Putin


A Poem by Mrblack

I in no way requested for it Chosen to be the selected one to collect souls of these selected to grow to be postmortem To stay or rattling everlas..


A Poem by Mrblack

You lied approximately your capability you exaggerate our possibility are you ignorant of culpability or exempt through verbal affinity chaos yo..

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