When Life Hands You A Stem Kiss It Full Of Blooms~

When Life Hands You A Stem Kiss It Full Of Blooms~

A Poem by NoneOfYourBusiness akaKITTY KUTABAREakaCandyPole

It was of course the blue moon

that slid into Horse's mouth

spread itself like ribbons around his vocal chords

gave his tongue just the right tweak

to puff an expletive with plumes of white breath into the air

that made Girl reflex back

and curve around to give him side eye

her wing hands made of incomplete white paper skin

tight in dark mane

strong thighs honed by decades of pirouettes and ronde de jambes

a deep press into his body

she arched one dark brow

"Horse, did you just say son of a b***h?"

and horse whinnied and pursed his mouth

"Of course not, horses do not have the capacity for human speech."

Girl just smiled

and pressed her cheek into his neck

her ribs' embrace

edging his spine

taut belly a pulse against the beat of his hooves

through the midnight snow flakes


It was of course the blue moon

that anthropomorphized Horse just enough

to bend his knees to straw

to lay his body against Girl

to rest his jaw upon her shoulder

to ask

"What is that and why are you so focused on it?"

Girl leaned her brow against his muzzle

"You know if anyone else took such liberties with my shoulder they'd be eating my fist."

Horse rolled one black eye to the reflect of a blue moon dripping across the sky

"You did not answer my question, tough girl."

"Well horse, this is a portable DVD player and the movie you are interrupting is Inglorious B******s."

and Horse said

"Give me some popcorn, I will watch it with you."


It was of course the blue moon that turned Horse into a film critic

who simply would not shut up

until Girl closed her eyes and leaned deep into the pocket of his warmth

between the neck and the jaw

"Tired, Girl?"

"Yes, Horse."

and of course it was the blue moon

that moved Horse to smooth her hair with his cheek

and rest his chin on her rising

falling breastbone

"What is that?"

Horse inclined his head to look between the swelling of human breasts

and Girl shrugged

"It is Life and Death."

"It doesn't belong there."

"No it doesn't but it is what it is Horse."

"Tell me, girl, how often do you annoy people shrugging everything off with that altruistic statement."

"The answer to that would be why would I care?  Now let's Zen."

"You are a strange Girl."

"And you are a strange Horse."


And of course it was the blue moon

that took a moment from the world

to wrap around a Horse and his Girl

in a stable

in an unassuming moment

and just before dawn hit the farm with everydays

Horse bit the edge of plastic tubing

and like a whisper

slid the thick steel of the needle from between Girl's breasts

"What is this? Are you taking both Life and Death from me?"

"Yes."  Horse bit the tubing and flicked the hard metal point of pain with his tongue

into a corner

"And what now?"

"Close your eyes and go to sleep, Girl."

"You get away with so much because I love you, Horse."


It was of course the blue moon in her final drop

that gave Horse what he asked for

though in turn unwrapped itself from his vocal chords

and reshaped his tongue more equine and acceptable to a world

that lacks the capacity to really grasp the miracles

fluctuating at the periphery of meta~consciousness

and Horse took what he asked for between his teeth

slipped the dew kissed stem of it into the hole of the vein between Girl's breasts

the blossoms of the blue rose

dreaming through her skin

into her heart


Life is good

thought Horse

and put his head in the cradle of Girl's arms .  . . .

the new year paused at exactly 6am

to stop and take a look at what Blue Moon had done

and it hiccupped a slight bend of a bow smile

reality flexed inward

time lost its focus

the new year placed the moment into a soap bubble

a Girl and a Horse

elapsed in a snow globe

on a mantle

by a sea








excerpt from The Surreal Stalks And Times Of A GutterGirl~


release date: August 28th, 2010 at bookstores and online~

© 2010 NoneOfYourBusiness akaKITTY KUTABAREakaCandyPole

Author's Note

NoneOfYourBusiness akaKITTY KUTABAREakaCandyPole
~here is a girl with a terminal illness who has taken the myth of her culture and wrapped it around everydays~ in her worlds animals talk and are warm and alive~ here there is no death or dreary sickness from chemical IV coctails~ here there is only a dimesional shift of the slightest degree but just enough to permit girl the luxury of dying wrapped in the fantastical worlds we forget with maturity~

My Review

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Featured Review

wow, this is really stirring stuff, and you've painted wonderful portraits of two very interesting characters, in one very cool poem.
You did not answer my question, tough girl."
"Well horse, this is a portable DVD player and the movie you are interrupting is Inglorious B******s."
and Horse said
"Give me some popcorn, I will watch it with you."
now those were some very neat words. great write!!

Posted 13 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


This is really heart tugging, I can feel this write.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is so surreal with many bizarre touches - certainly a tour de force of the imagination, a fantastic world indeed, with touching elements throughout in the familiar relationship between the girl and the horse... Lovely!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

wow, this is really stirring stuff, and you've painted wonderful portraits of two very interesting characters, in one very cool poem.
You did not answer my question, tough girl."
"Well horse, this is a portable DVD player and the movie you are interrupting is Inglorious B******s."
and Horse said
"Give me some popcorn, I will watch it with you."
now those were some very neat words. great write!!

Posted 13 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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23 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on August 1, 2010
Last Updated on September 19, 2010
Tags: a girl and her horse, poetry, blue moon, victoriaselene skye deme, fable, myth for modern days, nothing is impossible, magik, primal baklavah, the surreal stalks and times of


NoneOfYourBusiness akaKITTY KUTABAREakaCandyPole
NoneOfYourBusiness akaKITTY KUTABAREakaCandyPole

AsIf, Trippy Cottontail, Japan

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