The Fig Tree~

The Fig Tree~

A Poem by NoneOfYourBusiness akaKITTY KUTABAREakaCandyPole

~where Jerusalem kisses the hips of Heaven~


Meet me under the fig tree

in a town between Jerusalem and Heaven

outside the old Inn

where the bards still come to play their lutes

and the women wear their desires embroidered in the hem of their wide skirts

I will give you the white lace of my blouse

to slip from my olive shoulders

for your kiss

a coy smile of ocean blue eyes from beneath my black eyelashes

if you will  give me your old hands

to press against my pink mouth

to kiss each pearl of age away

run my tongue  the length of your palm

smoothing your lifeline

licking every silver edge off your skin

until you are a golden young man

with such blue eyes

drinking in the sun through his pores

under that fig tree

in a town encased in amber

where the bards still sing

our songs

and the girls still dance our dreams in a circle with arms laced

where Jerusalem

kisses the hips of heaven









excerpt from




© 2010 NoneOfYourBusiness akaKITTY KUTABAREakaCandyPole

Author's Note

NoneOfYourBusiness akaKITTY KUTABAREakaCandyPole
~from a climbing dream while playing in the branches of a fig tree~

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Helo Selene,

I wish I could find that town. I would love to be able to escape the haze and the pollution of modern civilization just for the simple entertainment of a bard and his lute. How beautiful the music would be and how enchanting his wit would be as he sang songs of the heavens, and the King that resides.

I wouldn't much mind being the man waiting under the fig tree. I was just talking romance with another friend of mine, and this would be perfect.

Excellent as always,



Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Helo Selene,

I wish I could find that town. I would love to be able to escape the haze and the pollution of modern civilization just for the simple entertainment of a bard and his lute. How beautiful the music would be and how enchanting his wit would be as he sang songs of the heavens, and the King that resides.

I wouldn't much mind being the man waiting under the fig tree. I was just talking romance with another friend of mine, and this would be perfect.

Excellent as always,



Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Well I don't know what to say except that's beautiful. (and on a side note - we had a fig tree in our back yard when I was much younger, and this brought back memories of eating the fresh figs and later the preserves! yum)

Posted 13 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Exactly what i need today.. How did you know?

Posted 13 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

wow Selene . this is really magical

Posted 13 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

So eloquently captivating.
such unbridled expression
truly a beautiful piece

Posted 13 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

what, it's too crowded under the apple tree?
(oh, this is a piece of cosmic seduction...i'll bet the airports will be busy today)

Posted 13 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

beautiful ~ the songs and the dance transcend ~

Posted 13 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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7 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on September 29, 2010
Last Updated on September 29, 2010
Tags: poetry, fig tree, souls, mythology, endings, beginnings, man and woman, simplicity, jerusalem, the tree, golden souls, selene skye, from the gutter, to the jewel, in the lotus, books, published


NoneOfYourBusiness akaKITTY KUTABAREakaCandyPole
NoneOfYourBusiness akaKITTY KUTABAREakaCandyPole

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