Holding The Serpent

Holding The Serpent

A Poem by ShaneBerry



Holding the Serpent

Humid and hot, sweaty and tired,

It saw me; I was in its home now.

Five feet long, thick from feast,

I could run, but I am no longer weak.

It came my direction; I attempted to step out of its way,

It lunged at me, I fell back in shock.

My machete in one hand,

My Dao blade in the other,

 I drop my foot down on the serpents head

And stood, jumping off to see it was not harmed.

It turns to me and hisses a hiss that is unlike any other.

Its fangs are out, and I know, if I do not kill this creature, it will kill me.

I drop the machete down onto the creature head with force,

But the blade is too blunt to cut,

 I feel the serpents head touch my hand.

And unlucky person would have been bit…

I retracted my hand as fast as the scaled head of the serpent touched it,

I quickly swung the razor sharp Dao blade at its crown.

I missed, and the creature came at me again,

I took out the bowie knife,

Dropping both the too blunt machete,

And the Dao, being too long.

And stepped three paces toward the oncoming creature

As fast as I could, knowing that it may kill me,

I pierced the serpent in the head,

I stared in disbelief,

Though its head was destroyed its body still moved.

In the five minutes, I felt fear,

I felt pain,

I felt sadness,

And then honor,

To fight with a creature that could kill you with ease.

And come out the victor, is a sensation like no other.


© 2011 ShaneBerry

Author's Note

On Tuesday my mother father and I went on a fishing/hiking trip, in which I went on a long 2 mile hike, I used to carry a co2 pistol in case of an attack by a water mossacan or cotton mouth, OR copper head. In this case I did not take the gun, I have “sworn” off using firearms. Ironically, the first hike I go on after this, I truly get attacked by an angry, female water mossacan, well over five feet long (I disagreed with my father, but he said it was longer than my sister who is 5’2”) this was the first time I had ever killed a creature without using a pistol. And it is the most rewarding experience I have ever had. Snakes by nature are vengeful creatures, and this one was going to bite me, I did not run because I wanted to continue on my route, and snakes are known to chase and even stalk what they want to kill. I was alone, and was not going to die. I still will not use pistol, it was far more emotional and fulfilling to kill using my true strengths. I hope this does not offend anyone, but I feel using firearms if you are capable of fighting with blade or bow weapons, is a sign of fear of losing. Just my personal opinion, don’t start arguments pleas lol. It also helped me get the feel of what is at stake in a blade on fang battle lol. I think the snake would have wanted to die in a fare fight. Maybe I milked it a little, but I am going to continue this by helping my fathers friend in east Texas, he lives next to a branch of the Trinity River that is infested with Texas alligators (a feral species of either Mexican caimans, or Florida/Louisiana alligators) and killing one (they are legal to kill and are destroying the ecosystems natural flow in the area, and getting on his property and killing his peahens and female turkeys HE HAS A BAD ASS PEACOCK BY THE WAY!!) To test my skills. Using a blade, and if I am ready by then a bow. It is completely legal, and might be harder than it sounds. The man tried chasing them off on a riding lawn mower and they ATTACKED IT!! So it will be a challenge.

My Review

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I liked it
good story

I'm a good shot
I can use a long bow
and throw knives

Ive never been hunting
I'm against killing anything
other than for food or protection

I'm glad your ok :)
and that you can protect yourself
thats a good thing to be skilled with

Posted 13 Years Ago

0 of 5 people found this review constructive.

I've Seen a water moccasin before. I ran and flailed my arms like a little girl. Any way I like your poems. You are a braver man then I.

Posted 13 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This was also good. I enjoy your work. Good job!

Posted 13 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Whoa. I've never seen a real (okay, not alive anyways) snake alone. Anyways, your poem is very entertaining. I admire actions you put into this. Great work! :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I was station in South America and Africa. I gave the way to most snakes. In the night the snakes would surround your tent for the warmth of the heater. I like your story. I did my best not to kill a snake for o reason. Sometime you have no option. A excellent story.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 3 people found this review constructive.

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16 Reviews
Added on May 14, 2011
Last Updated on May 14, 2011



denton, TX

My Chemical Romance “The Ghost of You” Name: Shane Douglas Berry Age: Born on 8/4/1992 Hair color: Brown Eye color: Green Skin color: White, Freckled Tattoos: Oroborus (red, center.. more..

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A Poem by ShaneBerry

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