Grumpy Breakfast Boy

Grumpy Breakfast Boy

A Story by Shelley Warner

An episode in the series, "Adventures with John in his Red Ford Truck"


John and I, along with my grandson Zach, were eating breakfast in the dining room of our hotel in Newport, Oregon. It had been a wonderful visit to the coast and this was our last morning. As we ate our waffles, eggs, muffins, and yogurt, the room filled with what appeared to be a family reunion. To our left, three children sat at a round table. Their dad appeared carrying three plates with scrambled eggs and other healthy choices; and he placed a meal in front of each child. 

One of them, a boy who reminded me of Ralphie in “A Christmas Story”, with his cute round face and a pair of black framed glasses, frowned and pushed his plate away. The dad disappeared to get some drinks and Ralphie (I’m just going to call him that) emptied his food onto his little sister’s plate. She accepted the extra food without protest. Dad came back and saw Ralphie’s empty plate and his sister’s heaping plate. He uttered a quiet, gentle rebuke and went to get Ralphie a new meal. Ralphie continued to pout.

We finished eating and went to pack up our belongings in our room. John and Zach carried our bags to John’s red ford truck while I checked under blankets and found one of Zach’s dirty socks. All packed up, we passed the dining room on our way to check out. Ralphie and his siblings were still sitting at their table. “I am proud of you all for being patient,” the dad was saying to his kids. “Awww,” I said to John, “he is a good dad.” Ralphie’s frown was gone and he was enjoying a bowl of fruit loops. We don’t know if he ever did eat any of his previous breakfast. Perhaps the dad asked him to take a few bites and then rewarded him with the breakfast of his choice. 

Some dads are pretty understanding.

© 2023 Shelley Warner

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A cute story to share.

It sometimes takes creativity to sooth a child.

Posted 1 Year Ago

Shelley Warner

1 Year Ago

Yes it does. Thanks for reading.
Hello Shelley. I think there are some awesome Dad’s out there. My grandson is one of them. Amazingly patient and fair. I very much enjoyed your hotel story of a family vacation. Hope you and yours are keeping well my friend.


Posted 1 Year Ago

Chris Shaw

1 Year Ago

All good here on Coronation day Shelley. Magnificent to watch.

Shelley Warner

1 Year Ago

Yes, I was just thinking of that. I need to get off my computer, get breakfast, and watch it on t.v... read more
Chris Shaw

1 Year Ago

Thank you. I hope you enjoy the history of it too.
I loved the story dear Shelley. I liked the meal shared and the gift of fruit loops for the boy. Thank you dear friend for sharing the amazing and entertaining story. I had more patience for my six grandchildren. My four children had the Army Sgt.

Posted 1 Year Ago

Shelley Warner

1 Year Ago

Thank you Coyote, yes we change when we become grandparents. I have been raising my grandson (almost.. read more
Indeed, at least my dad was, this is the way kids learn in life, what’s important and also to emulate their elders with some respect…..
I dnjotpyed this little lesson…..

Posted 1 Year Ago

Shelley Warner

1 Year Ago

Thank you, it was a fun memory of a fun trip to the Oregon coast last month. Thanks for reading.
Betty Hermelee

1 Year Ago

You’re very welcome!
Best , B

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4 Reviews
Added on April 24, 2023
Last Updated on April 24, 2023


Shelley Warner
Shelley Warner

Camas, WA

I like to write about my life. Sounds a little narcissistic, right? But it's the challenges, the griefs, the joys, the faith struggles, and the enjoyment of nature that inspires me. I have published t.. more..
