Beauty Lies in His Eyes

Beauty Lies in His Eyes

A Poem by Nae Nae

Blue, like the ocean, with waves that wash to the shore with white caps. 

Specks of salt floating in the water.

Lines of shaddows, highlighting B-E-A-U-tiful silhuets of crystal blue.

Looking into them was as if looking into a crystal ball,

It brought me into the future ...

But as well the past.

I saw things to come, great, wonderful things coming for me ...

But as well ...

Things I wished not to remember.

I began to cry, tears slowly dripping from my long underlashes, washing down my cheeks leaving a wet line on my dry skin.

My heart began to slow, but jump at the same time ... something I had never experienced before in my life.

I began to laugh, with bursts that jumped as thunder rumbles on a dark, cloudy night.

Never before had such a thing happened to me before ...such conflicting emotions, all ending in pure symphony as the chords played opposing notes.

I had to experience this again, this addictive feeling, of hope, torture, and pain.

I couldn't have seen what was going to happen, something I knew was going to happen but avoided at all possible choices.

It was to good to be true, to wonderful to occur to me.

Beuty lies with cruel humor, and captivating charms ... charms that will rip a person to bits and pieces.

Leaving me worse than when I began ... Alone and without hope...

© 2009 Nae Nae

My Review

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This is wonderful.....Absolutely wonderful! I love the way it flows...and the story it holds. Looking into that crystal ball as the tears begin to leave your's just beautifully written and a beautiful story well told. Thank you for sharing.


Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on June 28, 2009


Nae Nae
Nae Nae


I'm a million people all in one, just to make everyone happy. But I'm tired of being what everyone else wants me to be. Only wish I knew who I wanted to be.. more..

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