The Classics

The Classics

A Poem by Sonia

random junk. no rhyme scheme or anything, just the endless chatter of my mind...

When my teacher tells us
"We'll read the classics"
all can hear the audible moan
"We're tired", we say
of the sorrow
and the author's languid drone

And as i sit down to write
clicking on the keys
i stop in anguish
and wonder why
darkness comes with ease

It's easier to criticize
with a bold and carefree stroke
we puke out words
laced with melancholy
do we wish for pity?

Or is it just reality
forcing itself upon us
we see not the happy endings
we see not the contentedness
only pain and fuss

We're not happy
so we don't write happy
We're adapted
not appreciative

And so we're left
with the classics
and poems full of dread
We'll cherish the cynics
and push out the optimists
Sober till we're dead

© 2010 Sonia

Author's Note

Just my thoughts after realizing that nearly every famous and well respected book is completely depressing. I mean, just look at Frankenstein, Lord of the Flies, Picture of Dorian Grey, all of Shakespere, One Hundred Years of Solitude, The Great Gatsby, Scarlet Letter and all those.
Also i find it easier to write "dark" poems than cheery and happy ones, which surprises me because i'm sort of an optimist and a pretty happy person.
But yeah...just nonsense from my mind...

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Perhaps we write more darkness because happiness is so often shared with others. We write to rid our hearts of the heavy load of sorrow we do not share with the ones around us.
PS; Shakespeare wrote comedies, my favorite to perform is "A Midsummer Night's Dream", very witty and wickedly funny.
Have you ever read Shakespeare's poetry?
PPS: Not a half bad poem

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on September 1, 2010
Last Updated on September 1, 2010




Hmm...where to begin... Well, my name is Sonia and I am currently a college freshman. Though I am not majoring in writing it is one of my great passions, along with many other things which occupy my .. more..

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A Poem by Sonia

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A Poem by Sonia