Wicked, Weary, Willful

Wicked, Weary, Willful

A Poem by Shannon April Alice

i wanted to explore the feelings of anger, i don't really express or explore it in life, i was curious to see how it would manifest through art. as always thank you for taking the time to read and sha

If I were an ocean, I'd tsunami. 
I'd crash at you, rise up fiercely with froth dripping from my wicked tongue.
I'd lick at your feet a tongue so cold, you'd hop and run like a threatened hare. 
I'd send my driftwood to scratch you and then my salt to burn it
And then when I calmed down, I settle to a grey-blue lulling you to see the infinite beauty and power and wrath of me. And you'd feel small as a speck of sand. 
If I were an ocean I'd take starfish and send them hurtling towards you like ninja stars.
I'd grab your ankles with my seaweed limbs and drag you under, just for one moment longer than you thought you could survive. 
And bubble up the back of your legs like a devils tickle as you shot to the surface to gasp. 
If i were an ocean. 
If I were a universe I'd take my neutron stars and line them in a row so they spin you back to a time where hearts were whole
Well, when my heart was anyway.
If I were a universe I'd take my sun and my moon and I would cover them with a mourning veil of shimmery ivory and you would see the world like eyes of a woman in grief. 
I would put you on a planet where raining glass comes sideways and I would give you an umbrella made of ozone. 
I would put you on a star and make you catch the wishes thrown to you. 
Catch them all, in a bucket of diamonds.
I would have you grant them all. All but one.
The one I wished. If I were a universe I'd make you ride that lonely wish of mine down the current of the Milky Way,
feeling its tentacles of hope underneath your feet like old man's slippers. 
If I were a universe I hold all your breathe in glass speck of light and watch as it chased the speed of sound down the darkness. 
...if i were a universe.
And if I were a mountain I'd turn all my streams away 
So you could feel the gift of thirst. 
I'd crumble into dust as you dug your heels into me
trying to climb higher but ending so far below. 
If i was a mountain, I'd wrap the wind around my vocal cords and sing to you and eerie song that would haunt your mind and make you think of loves you'd lost. Then I'd sing it again softer. Echo, Echo. 
I'd give you mountain stretch marks.
Itchy places to remind you of when the sea was your lover. 
I'd take my poison ivy to your skin.
So sultry she would climb like a lover's thin trailing fingernails 
If I were tree I'd be a weeping willow. 
I'd hang my wounded limbs over the river that is your regrets.
If I were a tree I'd shade you from the blazing sun.
You'd crave me then.
You'd fall asleep in my lap.
If I were a tree I'd gift you a hundred acorns...
And let none of them take root. If I were a tree. 
If I were a tree you'd climb me to take shelter from the wolves. 
I'd take you into my strong arms 
And you would understand what courage is.
What refuge is. 
What need is. 
Then I'd stroke that glistening wolf to keep him at your feet.
And paint your toes with sap so he drools with the anticipation.
And if i were that tree you'd feel safe within my grasp.
I'd blow a wind to stroke your face and
And sooth you with the sounds of leaves and you would sleep.
Then I'd send that wolf away because you'd know me then. 
But I am a woman. 
And what I can do is make you see me as I walk away, 
pull away
sneak away
crawl away. 
I am a woman and I can be the emptiness I leave you. 
I am a woman, an ocean, a universe, a mountain, a forest.
I am a woman who is now the empty fragile places inside you where I used to be.
But I am a woman
And you will remember me. 
...You will remember me. 

sahn 5/19/2014

© 2014 Shannon April Alice

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beautiful love the openning line

Posted 9 Years Ago

Shannon April Alice

9 Years Ago

justin, this is my favorite piece. it's never been overwhelmingly popular but it has ALWAYS been my .. read more
Wea re so like nature as we come from it. beautiful rendition of our similarities to it . The emotions gleaned from it make us better people i think

Posted 9 Years Ago

Shannon April Alice

9 Years Ago

somehow or another i always seem to connect things to mountains, bodies of water, or something botan.. read more
Tate Morgan

9 Years Ago

It is the majestic peaks the cold beating depths of the endless sea We know we come from there but a.. read more
Great use of personification.
I really like the poison ivy bit.
Carry on!
Claire :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

Shannon April Alice

9 Years Ago

claire, ohmyword! how cute are you in that picture??!! very grateful for your kind words.
The personification is awesome and this is a good poem

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

My favourite what?
Shannon April Alice

10 Years Ago

piece of work you have written. i'd like to read your favorite.

10 Years Ago

Ohh haha. Well i like all of them but my favs would probs be "heartbreak" and "friends"
i really like the personification in this...and the use tsunami as a verb...lively style of verse...with intense imagery to express the power of love.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Shannon April Alice

10 Years Ago

i love the freedom that poetry gives you to tinker with words and usage. thank you for this
What a lovely, translucent, clever piece of writing that's soars and rumbles just like a Tsunami and the Ocean and the sky and everything beautiful in the Universe,
This is talent of a very superior kind. The balance is perfect, the personification in absolute control, the assonance riveting and the meaning so well balanced.
I also love your profile. Don't ever stop writing. You have a gift of words and images that blend magically and effortlessly.
Im hooked. I will read all of your work, no matter in the thousands, because such splendid work fills my day with your beauty.
Thank you for sharing. Thank you very much. Yes I 'will' remember you!

Posted 10 Years Ago

Excellent writing. You've got a lot here and the end is riveting. I am so envious of your imagination. You are truly gifted.

Posted 10 Years Ago

A fine poem powerfully delivered.

Posted 10 Years Ago

this is a very deep poem I love the creative way that you write, I am excited to read more of your work

Posted 10 Years Ago

Shannon April Alice

10 Years Ago

rose, you made my day. thank you.

10 Years Ago

your very welcome
I echo what Jonathan said...Bravo..................

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Shannon April Alice

10 Years Ago

thank you sami. it's a favorite but i'm planning on fiddling with the last few lines...lol, just lik.. read more
Sami Khalil

10 Years Ago


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21 Reviews
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on June 7, 2014
Last Updated on June 8, 2014
Tags: #love, #heartbreak, #hope, #strength, #power, #despair, #scorn, #amwriting #poetpower #mybabiesa


Shannon April Alice
Shannon April Alice


One day I watched as my mother threw away a box of writing she had saved throughout her lifetime. I asked her why. She replied that they were 'no good'. She said they were arrogant and poor. I will ne.. more..


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