Today I learned

Today I learned

A Story by Sofia N

Life teaches you a lot of lessons, lessons that sometime people warned us about before we make the mistake, but yet we still do it. Well today I had a little epiphany inside me.

I don't know what is it about today that I'm looking at life a different way,
with a different perspective,
in a way where I don't care anymore about what people think
I learned that is okay to stand up for myself when someone tries to hurt me or put me down
I learned that no ones dies of love
that the things that God gives us don't stay forever unless you work for it and that sometimes we must let those things go
I learned that I have a million of paths reserve for me, waiting for me just to turn the knob in that door and start going inside.
I learned that is okay to cry, is okay to fear
but also that I cannot let that stop me from perceiving my dreams
I learned that I should be treated like a queen
that I should be respected and loved
and accepted just the way I am.
I learned that someone who truly loves you, would stand up for their love no matter what and wouldn't give up so easily.
I learned that there's nothing wrong with taking risks, because in life, everything's a risk.
I learn that we can never be friends with someone we just dated a couple of days before
because then the friendship would never be real,
and if for that person if very easy to be your friend then their love wasn't never true
Because it takes time to heal a broken heart.
I learned that we are really ready for love when we don't actually need it.
That it take acceptance, courage, knowledge and an open mind in order to pursuit our dreams.
I learned that no matter how bad you think your life is, you shouldn't worry because God will be there for you for the worst, and he will smile at you for the best.
I learned that God has a goal for me, he has my destiny written, and he's giving me the choice to keep it in a good way or bad way.
I want to dance, I want to jump, I want to scream, I want to wear every color in the rainbow.
I want to sing outside the shower really loud
I want to be myself before I had a broken heart
and Today I realized that I can be whatever it takes and I have to do it while I can.
This time is me before anyone else
and I promise to never love no one more than what I love myself
is myself first this time.

Because today I learn to find the real me.

© 2010 Sofia N

Author's Note

Sofia N
Exactly how I feel right now :)

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You have NO idea how much your words inspired me today. I am coming out of "friendship" where it was out of balance or sync. I think you drove so many points home that I am truly reeling in this chair. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Continue using this gift GOD has given you. I am giving you one of my RARE 100's. I am also adding this one to my library. I thank you.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


It's great you found yourself. It took something really tragic to happen to me before I could find myself, and now I am a better human being for it. Some of the consequences may not have be entirely good, but at least I have learned a life lesson. I am very happy that you are also aware of life and you have found yourself. Good for you.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Today you learned who Sofia is. Sometimes it takes something that hurts alot to show you what you truly want, and something you truly need. I'm glad that you learned your truth because there are some who will never realize theirs

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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12 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on April 26, 2010
Last Updated on April 26, 2010


Sofia N
Sofia N

Santo Domingo, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

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