

A Poem by Laura Sparkle


When I said forever, I must have meant it

And more than a year later I can still feel it.

It’s pulsing inside my veins,

And expanding slowly inside my head…

I will always remember and never forget what I said.


I would easily learn to stand on my hands,

Live completely under the sun, forgetting the moon I adore.

Forget to remember my name and my life,

Learn to levitate upside down.


I would do anything, sell my soul,

If it mean I get to hold you to my chest once more,

Pull you into me and listen to your slow breath,

Freeze it in time when it comes to my chest.


I would give everything, my breath and my heartbeat,

If it meant I get to spend the rest of my life with you,

Kissing you and giving you pleasure,

Watch a future unfold in front of our eyes.


And I would try my best to be all you want me to be

The best I can be and dedicate it all to you,

When I said forever I must have meant it,

And I’m ready to spend an eternity next to you.


© 2008 Laura Sparkle

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Now this is what I call beautiful! You have outdone yourself!
Cupid has found his mark and hit the bullseye. Your words sing of a soul that has been taken by the power of love and is adrift in it myriad of colors and and rays of wonderment.
I see this as a truth, where one may give up things that they hold close, only to be rewarded with a gift that can't be dwarfed by anything.

A great piece! Of Life, Love, and personal sacrifice and change.

Enjoyed every lasting line on this one!

Aaron Maycroft

Posted 15 Years Ago

This was beautiful... I don't ever think i could give up the moon, The moon is my love, my inspiration, Rodge loves the moon and I could never in my life deprive my second muse from his love... This was really good, the feeling and emotions were well portreyed. It made the reader wish they had what you feel... Oh, the feeling of being in love... if only i thought it exsisted jk... (I swear, i know love exsists lol) This was really good, it struck me in my heart like the poison of one of cupid's arrows... Now you do know I killed Eros in self deffense so now i'm going to have to kill you too... Just kidding... Another Great Write! Very well done :D

Posted 15 Years Ago

Beautifully written. Thank you for sharing. Debileah

Posted 15 Years Ago

So wonderful and sweet. Thank you for sharing it with those that only dream of such love.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on August 2, 2008


Laura Sparkle
Laura Sparkle

Anywhere, CA

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