Face To Face

Face To Face

A Poem by KAREN



















Another presence watches me

Dispiriting shadow wavers

Intense darkness covers us

Fading heart beat in the distance,

Send chills in the sultry breeze


Eyes are smoldering like flame

Maddened by occurrences of living

She lingers close by

Leaving an unnatural feeling


Anguish is her air

Filters unsteady cries

Despair clothes her colourless complexion

Stepping stones of worthlessness lead the way


Emptiness is her aura

Loneliness hovers

Emotional distress weakens a diluted mind


Sounds of sorrow is her voice

Her touch is transparent

Tears stain her, each one having a name

That explain her unmeaning life


Trails of disgust

Streams of unhappiness

Paths of pain

Bring me to the shadow


I come face to face


With Me

© 2011 KAREN

Author's Note

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What a twist to the poem great poem .......

Posted 11 Years Ago

I was going to say that this seems to be like look in a mirror, but I see I am not the only one to come to that conclusion. Nicely done.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Never easy to come to grips with oneself.. Great job on this one!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Wow! Ironically, I posted a poem called 'Mirror' a few days ago. Same theme, but I think yours is more complete with a better flow. A great deal of pain and anguish is well conveyed here.
Nice work, and nice picture.

Posted 12 Years Ago

A powerful poem. I like the feel of mystery and the tale in the poem. Photo gave life to the poem. Thank you for a outstanding poem.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Good one..!!!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Awesome write. We need to face ourself before we can move on in our life.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Tell you what I think?....I think this is very good, to say the least! Imaginative and poetic, with a smart ending. I love the idea of the tears "...each one having a name." Terrific!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Facing ourselves is often the hardest thing but it can open us up to healing. Powerful poem!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Meeting the self in the shadow ~~~ meaningful ~

Posted 12 Years Ago

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33 Reviews
Added on November 20, 2011
Last Updated on November 20, 2011



Harrisville, MS

I love to write and cook! Me and my sister will soon be the author of a children's book titled Feelings Feelings Feelings, and a cookbook in the near future titled Two Heads In The Kitchen. I e.. more..


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