Chapter Three: Lacuna

Chapter Three: Lacuna

A Chapter by Victoria Magana

Holy s**t.." Ria murmured backing away from the railing.
     "My god....what is up with that...?" Kelsey asked her friends looking into their faces in turn.
     "Dunno...let's not worry about it just yet....let's worry more on our way back down." Said Amy turning way from the railing also and heading into the back of the level they were on. Ria exchanged looks with the others but followed Amy anyways. It wasn't long before the group came upon a large open space between the bookcases. This space had a strange symbol like the Tree of Life, but on four points around the branches of the Tree, there were four circular like positions on the floor. Ria walked over to the Western most circle and studied it.
     "Weird much.." Kelsey murmured going to the one at the South.
     "Yeah...but still kinda cool." Amy commented, heading over to the Eastern one.
Alex walked silently over to the only remain circle shape: the one to the North.
     Melchor began to laugh nervously. "You guys look like sacrifice victims for some Satanic ritual."
Ria looked over at Melchor.
     "Stuff it Melchor." Ria laughed moving as if it to step towards Melchor but found she couldn't move.
     "Okay..Amy this isn't funny."
Amy looked up at Ria.
     "What are you blaming me for?!" Amy gasped.
     "YOU BROUGHT US HERE!!" Ria screamed.
     "I'm stuck too Ria!" Amy screamed back.
     "So am I." said Kelsey.
     "Me too.." Alex said looking over at the three girls.
     Melchor looked at the 4, actually he was looking down at their feet, his dark blue eyes wide. Amy looked at Melchor.
     "WhatWhatWhatWhatWHAT!?" She screamed a little weirded out by his expression.
     "...The circles are glowing!!" Melchor gasped, pointing.
They all looked down at their feet. Around Ria her circle flashed white and turned a deep blue.
Around Amy, hers flashed light purple then turned a pale pinkish-purple. Around Alex, his flashed red and stayed that way, and lastly Kelsey's flashed dirt brown and turned a peridot color. Ria looked at her friends.
     "Guys?" she murmured.
     "We know..we see..." Kelsey said looking at Amy.
     "Don't look at's not my doing!" She said defensively.
     "Never said that." Kelsey responded.
     "Can anyone move yet?" Melchor asked nearing them.
     "Not me." Alex trying lift his right foot.
The others shook their head.
     "S**t...I don't know what to do.." Melchor muttered.
     "Ria looked up at Melchor.
     "Call him."
     It took him no time to reach the library. Melchor met him at the door. He had a smile on his face.
     "God, I figured how long it would take them to call. I was beginning to worry." He chuckled.
     "How long did you know?"
     "Since the building grew."
     "Ah...devious b*****d aren't we?"
     "Not devious, I resent that."
     "Yeah right!"
     "Hush. Are they up stairs?"
     "Found the circles didn't they?"
     "Yeah..sorry Griffin...I could have stopped them I just chose not to...."
He let out an irated sigh.
     "Lord...have mercy...alright...let's go.."


© 2008 Victoria Magana

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Added on February 25, 2008


Victoria Magana
Victoria Magana

Everett, WA

Goodness I need a new description, but what do I write.... more..
