Tags : FAITH

It Wasn't The Nails

It Wasn't The Nails

A Poem by Mario Vitale

A deep look at the cross of Christ
The Girl In Black.

The Girl In Black.

A Story by Shauna Campbell

The girl in black, black as her soul..couldn’t imagine herself in colour, she see everything in black and white, no colours around her…he..
Journey of Forgiveness

Journey of Forgiveness

A Story by Lunarshock

Being real about a decision to forgive my spouse for walking out on me
Summer Love

Summer Love

A Poem by Mario Vitale

A real story about my life
A letter of gratitude to the Good men.

A letter of gratitude to the Good men.

A Story by Maria

In spite of the bad that exists within this world ,God allowed me to meet a few good guys throughout my life and am grateful towards each of them.
The Fire in Me

The Fire in Me

A Poem by Melinda McQueen

The Fire in Me I hold within me An infinite need. A burning in my soul To forever bestow. Igniting a spark Inside my he..
The Union

The Union

A Poem by Mario Vitale

Mankind is lost until the come into a real relationship with jesus Christ
The Lie

The Lie

A Poem by Mario Vitale

A Deep look inside
Conversations with Jesus

Conversations with Jesus

A Book by Summer Nazarian

A struggling mother lives in poverty, but finds hope when she starts having conversations with Jesus Christ.
Why Me Lord?

Why Me Lord?

A Chapter by Summer Nazarian

It was the Summer of 2008. My marriage was falling apart and my oldest daughter had runaway from home. I had no money in the bank and a husband addict..
Paying Debt

Paying Debt

A Poem by Lunarshock

The borrower has paid times over...
Write With Every Fiber Of Your Being

Write With Every Fiber Of Your Being

A Poem by Mario Vitale

Look deep inside we have nothing to hide
Blinded By Sight

Blinded By Sight

A Poem by Mario Vitale

A love that will not let me go
I Prayed

I Prayed

A Poem by Kate Z.

I PrayedI prayed, Carry me, Lord;He said, Be of good courage.I prayed, Strengthen me, Lord;He said, Believe in Me.I prayed, Hold me, Lord;He said, I w..
my mother's body

my mother's body

A Poem by Cheyanna

My mother's battle with cancer will never end. Doctors have given us an estimate of one more year of life.
The Refuge of God

The Refuge of God

A Poem by Melinda McQueen

The Refuge of God There’s no other place to taste The power of such grace. A tower of safety When the floods of life are man..
Wearing another's tattoo

Wearing another's tattoo

A Story by Lunarshock

Inspired by Tori Amos' "Cloud on my Tongue", though her explanation differs from where my imagination took me.

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