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Tags : free+verse

I Need to Vote

I Need to Vote

A Poem by Sir Jaykom

I need to vote. Confused of what’s at stake, Certainly I can’t afford a steak. I need to vote. Floo..
3 p.m.

3 p.m.

A Poem by Igor G. Balatsky

from ‘Demi-season’
Here and now

Here and now

A Poem by Igor G. Balatsky

from ‘The Way of Grass’
Only Words

Only Words

A Poem by lisbeth

I'm not very good at this!


A Poem by Pure Hope

What IS in a name?
Gory ABC's

Gory ABC's

A Poem by Kayla Gentry ( Kyrie Kerr..

this is sort of a follow up version to my Death By ABCs Poem only worse & not for the weak at heart & it has a lot of both my friends and enemies name..


A Poem by KinoNoTabi

This world so full of darknesshas shed light so bright thrilling and fearfulthis world no longer fiercemoving, ready once againto live on after the da..


A Poem by Cupcake.

Originally written 11.29.2012 It is the rain.


A Poem by Cupcake.

Originally written 10.29.2012 Drunken kisses.


A Poem by Cupcake.

Originally written some vague time ago. Wanderlust- consumes me.
If Only

If Only

A Poem by Cupcake.

Originally written 10.5.2012 If only I was Peter Pan.
Touching Kettles

Touching Kettles

A Poem by Fergie

My final poem for my course! This time we were given free reign to write free verse!
I know

I know

A Poem by Aurora Dawn

Free Verse
My Angel

My Angel

A Poem by Cameron Mair

Let us sail into the moonlight Into the dawn that awaits us Let us forget our worries and pa..


A Poem by Cameron Mair

I live my life and enjoy every instant. Unique Whether for better or worse, In happiness I become occupied. ..


A Poem by Cupcake.

Originally written 12.28.2012. Experience in the mental hospital.
As it should.

As it should.

A Poem by Cupcake.

Originally written 12.28.2012. Experience in the mental hospital.
Weary One

Weary One

A Poem by Hannah
