Tags : Drugs

Much More Fools

Much More Fools

A Poem by Michael G. Smith

writers are a maddening bunch
Demons never go away properly. Without Proper support & understanding & Help Longterm.

Demons never go away properly. Without Proper supp..

A Poem by Onlyme

To reminisce on the past or eventsare not always useful or helpful orgood for you.Particularly if they were bad timesand memories you experienced.Some..


A Book by aubreydiamond

When young Aroha discovers that she is pregnant at an inconvenient time in her life, she struggles to wrap her head around her new reality. It’s..
Chapter One ~ The End

Chapter One ~ The End

A Chapter by aubreydiamond

‘S**t…’ I spun the plastic stick in my hand over and over. I couldn't look at it; Who knew inanimate objects could hold so muc..
Chapter Two ~ Juniper Berry

Chapter Two ~ Juniper Berry

A Chapter by aubreydiamond

Maybe I could have cared more that it was a beautiful day, that the sun was shining and most people had smiles on their faces, but I genuinely could..
Chapter Three ~ About a Month Ago

Chapter Three ~ About a Month Ago

A Chapter by aubreydiamond

At this stage I imagine there's a few questions floating in your head. It's probably a good time to take it back a bit and explain a few things befo..
Chapter Four ~ Wonderful

Chapter Four ~ Wonderful

A Chapter by aubreydiamond

Holy s**t. I spun around immediately, as if that somehow was going to make me invisible. I was panicking. Luke was standing right behind me. I wa..
Chapter Five ~ Limbo

Chapter Five ~ Limbo

A Chapter by aubreydiamond

Today had gone from one of the toughest days ever to quite easily the worst day of my life. Lazuli’s closed up early, but not for the right..
Chapter Six ~ The Funeral

Chapter Six ~ The Funeral

A Chapter by aubreydiamond

It had been two whole days since Luke’s passing, and still I wasn't ready to feel any better than I did when I found out. I'd practically spen..
Chapter Seven ~ 22 Amber Grove

Chapter Seven ~ 22 Amber Grove

A Chapter by aubreydiamond

We drove for about ten minutes before Zeb pulled in to Amber Grove - a quaint little cul-de-sac on the other side of town surrounded almost complete..
Chapter Eight ~ Paperwork

Chapter Eight ~ Paperwork

A Chapter by aubreydiamond

I was still shaking - still infuriated with my mother for the scene she just performed in front of my best friend and her family. It didn't matter h..
Chapter Nine ~ The Consultation

Chapter Nine ~ The Consultation

A Chapter by aubreydiamond

I had one hand over my rock hard stomach, and the other clutching the crystal around my neck as I made my way back to the café. Taking long, ..
Kool-Aid Criminal

Kool-Aid Criminal

A Poem by Randy Johnson

This poem was inspired by a Youtube video.
Chapter Ten ~ Walls

Chapter Ten ~ Walls

A Chapter by aubreydiamond

Juniper waved goodbye from the passenger window of Rose’s wagon as they drove past me and out of the health clinic’s cark park. I waved ..


A Book by Raymond Federle

true life, biography
The Ultimate F**k YOU.

The Ultimate F**k YOU.

A Poem by Onlyme

It is not nice to see someone being pushed over the edge. The mental edge. I am on about.To see them start to disappear and to maybebe gone for goodth..
Chapter Eleven ~ Friends, Foes & Family

Chapter Eleven ~ Friends, Foes & Family

A Chapter by aubreydiamond

When Zeb said two minutes he really meant it. Almost as soon as I'd put my phone back in my pocket he swerved around the corner to the car park driv..

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