Tags : Prison

The start of it all

The start of it all

A Chapter by Tristian Lyn Markus

The machine clicked and Etserü’s eyes opened, groaning slightly. He turned on the bed, his white shirt crumpled around his upper torso. He ..
Childhood Prison

Childhood Prison

A Poem by Ambra Celeste

Childhood PrisonHelp me I am trappedTrapped in an alien domain that I don’t recogniseExplosive fire throbbing inside my headI am about to go cra..
A Life and A Line

A Life and A Line

A Story by Sarah Kirk

A fiction short-story about a complicated romance with a woman and a drug.
M:L: Chapter One

M:L: Chapter One

A Chapter by Ashley.M.E

Linda or so she has been referred wants nothing more than to find out why she is considered a kill, but she has no backbone to stand on, although her ..
Shackles of war

Shackles of war

A Poem by elvenom

An old seed of a plot I had time ago.


A Story by DuttonJ

One more sunrise...
No Use Dead (FF #4)

No Use Dead (FF #4)

A Story by SpeedyHobbit Armstrong

This was written for the group Friday Fictioneers. This is a scene about my character Folco that did not make it into "Fallen Ones" (a bit dark)
Modern Prison

Modern Prison

A Poem by SteveTarasev

Freedom is gone. This is clear.
The Legend, or, Prisoners

The Legend, or, Prisoners

A Story by Sam

The lamentations of a prisoner.
Accidental Death

Accidental Death

A Poem by Randy Johnson

Chapter 2 - it's who is going to stop me."

Chapter 2 - it's who is going to stop me."

A Chapter by LT Kodzo

“What in the …,” Jackson bites back a curse as he fumbles with the gate lock. “Wasn’t me,” Fisher whines. ..
lucky ducks

lucky ducks

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

This is actually awful, but it just gets me, the whole thing
At the Zoo

At the Zoo

A Story by Throok Mercer

The Zoo is a progressive yet controversial prison set in the near American future. Follow a group of tourists as they view the future of American just..


A Stage Play by Michael Atherton

A One Act dealing with the traditions we impose on relationships, the insecurities, the manmade restrictions... like a prison.
Endless Journey

Endless Journey

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

a collaboration with Jonathan Edward Furches aka Forgottenwordinside


A Poem by akihsna

The body is but a cage. The soul, its imprisoned bird. God is the doorkeeper. And people...well, mere people.