Tags : Knowledge

Easy Noumenon

Easy Noumenon

A Poem by Vincent St. Clare

First "publication". Simple.
Words of Wisdom

Words of Wisdom

A Poem by RoyRogers

More words of wisdom


A Poem by S

Written in pjs on the back of a library receipt whilst spacing out the window in broad daylight.


A Poem by Tauvic Heedajat

You are hidden like a pearl in the deepest seaneed a huge sacrifice to seeIt is not easy to get youEfforts, hard works, spirits and prayers are guns t..
If Only

If Only

A Poem by Armistead Lindsey

written in a time of confusion
Adam & Eve

Adam & Eve

A Book by thegreatestjihad

An intimate and expository account of what exactly happened at the Garden of Eden. Here, the nature of mankind is nurtured and the characters of God ..
The darkest kind of widsom

The darkest kind of widsom

A Poem by maricoona91

I wrote this after reading some incredible poetry that was raw and real.


A Poem by Jonny The Savage

I want to write to igniteThe people's will to fight.
The Only Winning Move is not to Play

The Only Winning Move is not to Play

A Poem by Jonny The Savage

I see it in your face every day, the naive confusion, the sinking suspicion that something is very wrong here. When the game is fixed, the only winnin..
The End of the Rope

The End of the Rope

A Story by Jonny The Savage

I've reached the end of my rope. I suppose it was an inevitability that I'd foreseen in my adolescence; but my God, how can everything be so valueless..
This is "Progress"?

This is "Progress"?

A Poem by Jonny The Savage

I can't help but feel that the world we're living in is all wrong. That the "progress" you fight for is history laughing at us once again. That there ..
A Rally of Crickets

A Rally of Crickets

A Poem by Jonny The Savage

The West is rapidly becoming a shadow of its former self in the name of "progress". The level of social engineering is rather incredible when one take..
Storybooks of Lies

Storybooks of Lies

A Poem by Jonny The Savage

I've told myself storybooks of lies,Just trying to find meaning in this life.


A Poem by Jonny The Savage

Purity is the enemy of time. Only in a vacuum can one die of old age and remain innocent. Guilty is what all of us are. Guilty of complacency, guilty ..
Will you Still Call it Freedom?

Will you Still Call it Freedom?

A Poem by Jonny The Savage

In the New America, everything is a poor reflection of its former self - a faded photograph, in a memory box, covered in dust and dropping in neglect...
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

A Poem by Jonny The Savage

This life is one of constant mourning; tears for men you'll never meet that've sacrificed everything for people who will never even know their names. ..
The Truth

The Truth

A Poem by Jonny The Savage

The truth is the truth because it's the truth - it doesn't matter who believes it!