Tags : Souls

Chapter 16: Heaven

Chapter 16: Heaven

A Chapter by Emily

"Do we use it like Aelwyn did?" asked Ryder"Yes" answered the Reaper"How exactly?" asked Alec"Just move your hand at a sway with the wand in it, and j..


A Chapter by Emily

I could feel the sweat running down my back because of the heatIt was a round room with flames climbing the wallsThere was dark red carpetI couldn't t..
deep thoughts

deep thoughts

A Poem by David Garcia

Deep dark thoughts at night
Everything from Nothing

Everything from Nothing

A Poem by transentience

I am The space within a blink and an indescribable feeling where no word can place the tears form softly the caress impressing with my..
switching souls

switching souls

A Book by Bibi

just read the title.
Extra soul

Extra soul

A Story by yosrbida96

Well it's not a story , I just write down my thoughts .
Two Souls

Two Souls

A Poem by Damayanti Bhattacharjee

"Two Souls" is a poem about love,heartbreak and heartache.'She' had blindly trusted someone she hardly knew and thus had broken her trust.To this day ..
Angels In Disguise

Angels In Disguise

A Poem by Antoñyo

They share themselves so freely at times that you can’t tell when they are there for just you yet their moments in our lives hold ..


A Poem by Elizabeth J. Gelinger

Summer Haiku
Microstory 325: Love

Microstory 325: Love

A Story by Nick Fisherman

This is an experimental Stepwisdom microstory. The introduction can be found in Microstory 300. More to follow.
They, them

They, them

A Poem by Dani-ips

wandering souls
Letters to Kylie

Letters to Kylie

A Book by YouoweYoupay

I came to you naked. Wearing on my soul the pages of a book I dearly loved and read over and over. And over..
Apollo's Mistake

Apollo's Mistake

A Chapter by YouoweYoupay

I came to you naked. Wearing on my soul the pages of a book I dearly loved and read over and over. And over..
The Common Blackbird

The Common Blackbird

A Chapter by YouoweYoupay

"My heart is a traitor," the boy said to the Alchemist, "It doesn't want me to go on."
Our Souls

Our Souls

A Poem by Tiarra Lynn

Our souls dance in unison, Our minds move as one. Our shadows show the distance, In the setting evening sun. Reflections from the water, Pres..
Heart of Courage

Heart of Courage

A Chapter by YouoweYoupay

Piece by piece. And all that is left for me is a small prayer.
White Butterfly

White Butterfly

A Chapter by YouoweYoupay

Where did you take me that day?
Love: The Last Letter

Love: The Last Letter

A Chapter by YouoweYoupay

Like a bassinet for stars and showers of light.
The hidden Cemetery

The hidden Cemetery

A Story by Tamika

As I was on my morning walk, at a place I had never set foot on before; I noticed multiple white poles, arising from the ground. They were being sm..