Tags : Sunshine

Sunshine in My Face

Sunshine in My Face

A Poem by Melinda McQueen

Sun in My Face Warmth from sky above Touches me where I am parked. A delightful rush Delivers a start. For memories pour ..


A Poem by Mehreen

With the onset of darknessThe wind drifted through my window with immense calmness ,Timidly began a wispher ,And headed me outside by a w..


A Poem by beauitifulybroken

The season of depression seems to be lifting, and I feel at peace.
19. A Woman in Bed

19. A Woman in Bed

A Chapter by Peter Rogerson

The Reverend Barney Pickle isn;t up to the strains involved in sharing his bed with a female.
My Greek Goddess

My Greek Goddess

A Poem by Poet Pittinix

This is a poem of love and blues.
Pouring uncalled for.

Pouring uncalled for.

A Poem by Poetic_Vixen

Some days rain makes way between those seasons we got too accustomed with, be it their heat or cold, catching us off guard.

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