Tags : short

As Fire Burns

As Fire Burns

A Poem by Silvan

first poem I've done in 3 years. Hopefully I'll get better
My Sinking boat

My Sinking boat

A Poem by Nora

Lonely in my sinking boat forever, while nobody cares
Vending Machines and Denial

Vending Machines and Denial

A Story by Impel_Up

Why was she so excited about buying a drink from the vending machine downstairs? Surely it had nothing to do with a certain someone sitting in an offi..
Butterflies and Stupidity

Butterflies and Stupidity

A Story by Impel_Up

Even as she cursed herself for meeting him again despite knowing he couldn't possibly like her all that much, she couldn't stop herself. No matter wha..
Fleeting Glances and Scattered Thoughts

Fleeting Glances and Scattered Thoughts

A Story by Impel_Up

Three days ago, she’d been perfectly all right. She’d just been minding her own business. But then she’d noticed him. Or rather, she..
Love Lost

Love Lost

A Poem by Ella

A poem about a boy who lost his chance at love
Dr. Sevent: 1: Jack

Dr. Sevent: 1: Jack

A Story by Sasha Jade

Short story about a psychologist and his clients struggles with suicide. This is meant to be a part of a series.


A Story by Sadie Cahill

“Hey, good morning.” I greeted him. Norman looks up at me timidly and I can’t help but smile as I lean forward and kiss his fo..


A Poem by wearejareth

Your body is just an accessoryTo a universal mouthVillages in your cheek Physics on your tongueWhite square starsPull apart realityWhen you open your ..
Sid, of Hollywood Video

Sid, of Hollywood Video

A Story by nsp

Quick short story about a kid with lofty dreams trapped in a beat-up video store.
Falling into the cauldron of a love potion

Falling into the cauldron of a love potion

A Story by Bhaghavan

A non-fiction story of when I was young and fell in love with a witch.
Confessions of a Stalker

Confessions of a Stalker

A Story by Jake Wade

Short Story
Spare Me

Spare Me

A Poem by Dominik D. Rites

Participated in the nationwide walk out today and thought of this.
River of Blood

River of Blood

A Story by EJ's Horror

A couple buy a new house by the dried up river-bed only to find it wasn't only the river acting uncharacteristic. One of my most darkest drafts yet to..
Grey Linings

Grey Linings

A Poem by Her Love

"Hello!" I say. She says, "Hello..." "What lovely weather!" I say. She says, "What lovely weather?"
School Ramble

School Ramble

A Story by Kurt Lawless

Jay's trying to cope living in a city where humans are the minority. He dreams of becoming part of the military to explore the universe.