Tags : Romance

Purple, the color of endings

Purple, the color of endings

A Poem by the bitter taste of almos..

You told me purple was the color of dreams; of sweet flowers and sweeter berries, of wild butterflies, of love in autumn, of you and me; b..
She looks for home

She looks for home

A Poem by the bitter taste of almos..

She looks up at the stars, where she looks for home. I feel the earth beneath my feet, the dirt between my toes, dig for answers; find on..
She comes back so quietly

She comes back so quietly

A Poem by the bitter taste of almos..

She comes back so quietly. My mind holds her like a mother holds her child, sways her lightly from one memory to another; and she forgets to..
By the dock

By the dock

A Poem by the bitter taste of almos..

You think you'll get what you deserve, if you're patient and well-behaved. You crave the wild ocean, the life beyond the horizon, the depths ..
Fault Lines

Fault Lines

A Book by Rogue Ravenheart

Join Cassia on her mission to unlock her hidden power and destroy the man who murdered her father. Can the Nomads discover the secret behind the fault..
Chapter 1 - Crazy? Maybe...

Chapter 1 - Crazy? Maybe...

A Chapter by Rogue Ravenheart

Nostan. The forgotten city. For such a small place, it was always so busy. The streets bustled with unscrupulous types. Its namesake may..
Chapter 2 - One foot in front of the other

Chapter 2 - One foot in front of the other

A Chapter by Rogue Ravenheart

I sighed and let my head fall into my hands. This was all so overwhelming! Life in the institution hadn’t really prepared us for functioning i..
Chapter 2: Beers and Embers

Chapter 2: Beers and Embers

A Chapter by Darkness17

Iris wakes to her best friend in the house and the evening devolves into something unexpected.
Chapter 3 - A little kindness goes a long way

Chapter 3 - A little kindness goes a long way

A Chapter by Rogue Ravenheart

When I returned to Nomad’s point, I was exhausted. Roldan was behind the bar as usual. He waved me over as I wandered in. “Look at you, ..
Chapter 4 - Who indeed...

Chapter 4 - Who indeed...

A Chapter by Rogue Ravenheart

I spent the day canvassing the town again. It was much easier after a couple of days of decent food and sleep. I felt less lethargic, and the wool c..
Chapter 5 - Beast in Lord's Clothing

Chapter 5 - Beast in Lord's Clothing

A Chapter by Rogue Ravenheart

I saw Mother again that night. We talked for a while about the last few days, about my new job and how excited I was to be working with Greta. I fel..
Chapter 6 - Home is where the heart lies

Chapter 6 - Home is where the heart lies

A Chapter by Rogue Ravenheart

It felt like forever before I heard someone sliding the bolt across. The door shuddered, and then swung open. Max’s frame filled the entire sp..
Chapter 7 - Shattered, again

Chapter 7 - Shattered, again

A Chapter by Rogue Ravenheart

It was a lazy Thursday evening. We hadn’t had many patrons that night and the ambience was cheerful but relaxed. I was in the middle of a bet ..
Within Starlit Nights

Within Starlit Nights

A Poem by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn d..

Philosophical thoughts on life as it transpires and as it is, without editing ...
Mirror Image

Mirror Image

A Poem by Louisa Chan

You and me both in the mirror Those were the days gone on a river Your shadow may I borrow? To skitter across; to pass my oth..
Beautiful Spirit

Beautiful Spirit

A Poem by Bryan Smithson

A poem I wrote my recent ex.
The End

The End

A Poem by Bryan Smithson

The last poem I wrote my ex.


A Poem by Bryan Smithson

Another poem about my ex
I Need You

I Need You

A Poem by Bryan Smithson

My love note to whoever may be my next girlfriend, for however long…
Dying to Love You

Dying to Love You

A Poem by Bryan Smithson

A poem to my future girlfriend, whoever she may be, and for however long….

The Shadow On My Shoulder
There is an angel who sits upon my shoulder who goes by the name of Death...