Tags : Weather

All the Worlds There Are

All the Worlds There Are

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

Just watching raindrops slapping leavesis better than anything requiring electricityincluding fame and posterity. Mondaymorning I walk over to the art..
Lazy, Happy

Lazy, Happy

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

I woke up Saturday joyful at my body's triumphover virus, breathing again without pain and enjoyingwinter and the cold that keeps us sane and sober.Bu..


A Poem by Marcelles D. Raynes

A poem about being the feeling of being cold and alone with no one there to comfort you, and finding comfort in solitude.
Yellow Umbrella

Yellow Umbrella

A Poem by Raccoony

It's been sunny all week which is rare for our regular rainy weather. So, I decided to write another Haiku about it.
In The Air

In The Air

A Story by MelissaAndres

A short children's-type story about the sun, rays, dawn and love.


A Story by MelissaAndres

Short story about an elderly gentleman who relies on old-school ways to predict the weather and how he perceives sweet memories of his wife.
Sun Rain

Sun Rain

A Poem by Julie Fran

This is my sun rain.
Oct. 20 something Part 1

Oct. 20 something Part 1

A Story by george anthony

Patrick is dead.
Oct 20 something Part 3

Oct 20 something Part 3

A Story by george anthony

Key word "trying"
Natural Disaster

Natural Disaster

A Poem by S. K. Burke

My mind fights with itself As a child’s body might, In a futile attempt to find a comfortable position to..
Frosted Heart

Frosted Heart

A Poem by Sailor Moon

Short & to the point - rough edit - to be worked but can't get back in it or figure it out right now. Suggestions welcomed.


A Poem by gabiaimee

Rain has nothing on you.
The warmth of Summer

The warmth of Summer

A Poem by Gerry Legister

End of summer days brings the feelings of nostalgia


A Poem by Steph_F90

Dull, tacky clouds Scattered amongst the Harsh morning light that Beats upon heavy, tired eyes. Dusty and withered, Cracked flesh is exposed. ..
Rays Through the Rain

Rays Through the Rain

A Poem by Amber

Coldness settles in my skin, seeps to my bones The gloom from the house leaks into the outside worldEchoing my emotions the wind lays still Sworn to s..


A Poem by gabiaimee

I hope it never ends.
Microstory 191: Mosi Jengo

Microstory 191: Mosi Jengo

A Story by Nick Fisherman

This is an experimental Bellevue Profile microstory. The introduction can be found in Microstory 101. More to follow.
Summer that never came

Summer that never came

A Poem by Jes2889

Time ticks on ,the years go byThe heart remains strong, feelings that wont dieThey remain Dormant, and I have to dismiss itI want to erupt because of ..