Tags : Night

And the Stars Smiled Down

And the Stars Smiled Down

A Poem by Alli

Some moments are short, full of passion, and makes life worth living
Dear Moon

Dear Moon

A Poem by Rashi

A request to Moon from Night


A Poem by T.S. Sky

Just felt like writing something and this came out.


A Poem by Adam M. Snow

How cruel is fate, throwing a fork in my road? But I berate that my dues be owed.
The night sky

The night sky

A Poem by ginger1127

The beauty of simplistics.
Night Sky

Night Sky

A Poem by Lin

What does the night sky there look like?
The Ocean of the Night

The Ocean of the Night

A Poem by AllauraRose

I was in the car thinking about how mysterious the night is and how it is so intriguing. So I thought this would be a cool topic.


A Poem by gabiaimee

Dec. 21, 2017


A Poem by Adam M. Snow

Tick, tick, tock! Tick, tick, tock! Gone are the days, we hold for granted. Ticking away, our life in canted.
Hands Stained Ink

Hands Stained Ink

A Poem by Adam M. Snow

Hands stained ink of black and red. On the brink of what was said,
Dark Night of the Soul

Dark Night of the Soul

A Poem by Helena

i THE DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL Through the dark night of the soulWith no treasure maps to guide meNo helpful signs along the wayNo hiding from..
The night in the valley

The night in the valley

A Poem by Carlo Lazzari

The arrival of the night in the valley changes the life in its inhabitants. A new life and new creature are ready when the moor arrives.


A Poem by Wijdane

You're not alone, wolf.


A Poem by Rudie Rock

Frozen hands reaching toward the fire.Not a care about how it will burn.The static noise only growing louder.Perhaps it is my turn.Up, up.Crackling, c..
Story of Night

Story of Night

A Poem by Mirza Sharafat Hussain Be..

When poet writes about a whole night, his observation and suffering.
A Cunning Winter

A Cunning Winter

A Poem by xFae

Once in a life Different than mine I saw the signs of the first snowflakes As they landed with grace and elegance so pure I took a deep breath..
Bad Timing

Bad Timing

A Story by Dan

My first attempt at a Horror short-story. Let me know what you think!
The Moon

The Moon

A Poem by Mrudula Rani

As the sun dipped into the horizon to quench his thirst of roaming, Settling birds and street lamps welcomed the evening! Night entered wearing ..