Tags : killing

Train Train Go Away

Train Train Go Away

A Chapter by Nick Fisherman

As I’m waiting to board the train, I can hear the woman who sells tickets get into it with a guy who is trying to purchase one at the last minut..
May 5, 2059

May 5, 2059

A Chapter by Nick Fisherman

The Cleanser had been right about “the next Reaver” coming. Mateo just didn’t think he meant so soon. Though, to be fair, it was tec..


A Chapter by Nick Fisherman

A year after the whole train debacle, Reaver asked me to do the same thing again. He said that the program ran perfectly, and that I should only have ..
Lucid Dreaming

Lucid Dreaming

A Story by Erick Inzunza

Zach, a young man, is completely "in love" with his neighbor and tries to find a way to tell her.
May 10, 2064

May 10, 2064

A Chapter by Nick Fisherman

Mateo woke up almost naked on the beach somewhere. Leona was nowhere to be found, but there was a pile of clothes nearby. They weren’t his, but ..
Microstory 269: Perspective Forty-Four

Microstory 269: Perspective Forty-Four

A Story by Nick Fisherman

This is an experimental Perspectives microstory. The introduction can be found in Microstory 225. More to follow.
May 11, 2065

May 11, 2065

A Chapter by Nick Fisherman

Mateo tentatively pulled himself into the lifeboat, nearly tipping it over a few times. Okay, so this was supposed to be a recreation of Life of Pi. B..
May 12, 2066

May 12, 2066

A Chapter by Nick Fisherman

Mateo started smacking his lips as they were heading towards Palace Glubbdubdrib. “Are you thirsty?” he asked.“No, my name is Richar..
One Last Hunt

One Last Hunt

A Chapter by TabaD

It is up to Furia to get on her bloodthirsty rider's good side to prevent a new massive war from taking place.


A Poem by Basmakyah Borz

We each took a boot and draggedthe body out of sight.I frowned at the gigantic red smearbefore turning to follow him down the alley.You’re so go..
May 12, 2067

May 12, 2067

A Chapter by Nick Fisherman

“So, you killed him.”“I don’t know that I would look at it that way. I was responsible for his death.”“No,” ..
Microstory 283: Perspective Fifty-Eight

Microstory 283: Perspective Fifty-Eight

A Story by Nick Fisherman

This is an experimental Perspectives microstory. The introduction can be found in Microstory 225. More to follow.
May 14, 2068

May 14, 2068

A Chapter by Nick Fisherman

Darko threaded them through a couple of commercial aircraft all the way back to Kansas where they spent most of the day catching up with their family...
Microstory 295: Perspective Seventy

Microstory 295: Perspective Seventy

A Story by Nick Fisherman

This is an experimental Perspectives microstory. The introduction can be found in Microstory 225. More to follow.


A Story by BamBamBass

It was dark.You could only hear the water dripping in the vastness of the area.Slow footsteps from above match the pulse of your heart.A practically i..
Midnight Snack (WIP)

Midnight Snack (WIP)

A Story by BamBamBass

“Why did you do it? What motivated you to kill those people, and eat them?”“I…I just wanted to see what they taste like; what..
Perspective Seventy-One

Perspective Seventy-One

A Story by Nick Fisherman

This is an experimental story that belongs with the Perspectives series, but is longer than a traditional microstory. The introduction can be found in..
Microstory 296: Perspective Seventy-Two

Microstory 296: Perspective Seventy-Two

A Story by Nick Fisherman

This is an experimental Perspectives microstory. The introduction can be found in Microstory 225. More to follow.