Tags : Fairy

The Adventure Of A Lifetime

The Adventure Of A Lifetime

A Poem by The White Crow

A once adventurous man recollects on his comedic acts as he addresses his many scars to listeners.
If I was a fairy

If I was a fairy

A Poem by Rifatt Mir

If I was a fairy,If I could fly. If I could say the words & You wont hear me If I could pass by and u wont see me. If I was a fairy,my heart wou..


A Chapter by gabiaimee

I want to be a princess. No-
One: The First Time My Heart Broke

One: The First Time My Heart Broke

A Chapter by gabiaimee

The ivory gilded door knocker was larger and more pale than my face. Still it lifted and fell with an opening when a petite woman stood in its pla..
The Presence

The Presence

A Poem by Richard Guimond

The vision of a fairy presence
Atahensic and the Sisters of Avalon

Atahensic and the Sisters of Avalon

A Poem by Richard Guimond

The fairy of Avalon and the Iroquois
Fairy Queen

Fairy Queen

A Poem by Emily

She found love


A Story by Autumn Alvira

prompted writing i did
The Essence of Power

The Essence of Power

A Book by Etrem

This is a fantasy book written in a world of magic, steel and intellect. From a calm Fall morning to a raging torrent of ice and loss.
CH 1: Dawn

CH 1: Dawn

A Chapter by Etrem

A rough draft of the introduction chapter to the story.
Your Pari

Your Pari

A Poem by Sugar Plum ♥

Just a poem


A Poem by Shaheed Hajiyani

A random poem about wanting to go back and maybe change everything
Bickering Brookes

Bickering Brookes

A Poem by Anna

Father was wrong about the bickering brooks,for I have heard them dash through fairy nooks,there are such odd lies in lovely books.Lullabies swam in w..


A Story by CF Crous

A deal with death.