Tags : cheating

You Only Have Yourself To Blame

You Only Have Yourself To Blame

A Poem by Randy Johnson

Let He Not Know

Let He Not Know

A Poem by Chip

An improved version of my previous piece.
you cheated... ouch!

you cheated... ouch!

A Chapter by naghree

It could have been a good day, if only Rune had found any better opponent.Those guys were definitely not good at playing cards.That day Rune went to..
A Startling Revelation

A Startling Revelation

A Story by J.A. Marquez

Disclaimer: Not graphic, but kind of mature topic. Today I realized something that blew me away. It put a smile on my face in the sickest of ways and ..
Frail emotions.

Frail emotions.

A Poem by Lola

When you find a smile on your face that you haven't had before, don't wash it away. You never know when it'll ever be back.
The Infidel

The Infidel

A Poem by MinorArt

He betrayed her that night, for 7 hours straight... With nothing more than words, exchanged over Facebook, with me. It wasn't dirty, it wasn't about s..


A Poem by Gillian

A scream poem about reminiscing.
The Worst Way

The Worst Way

A Book by TheLonelyWriter

Cynthia was far to busy planning her Cinderella wedding to remember the origin of the fairytale


A Chapter by TheLonelyWriter

“Mistakes are a great educator when one is honest enough to admit them and willing to learn from them.” – Alexander Solzhenitsyn
The Devils Darling

The Devils Darling

A Poem by Andrew Rayne

Oh, sweet sweet succubi.
Hate to Love to Hate

Hate to Love to Hate

A Poem by Beth Lindsay

A story about a relationship.
I Kissed My Bestfriends Boyfriend

I Kissed My Bestfriends Boyfriend

A Book by Katy Penecil

What happens when a kissing booth forces you to kiss the guy you were forbidden to love? What if that guy happened to be the school's sexiest hearthro..
Matter At Hand

Matter At Hand

A Story by BAlanMorgan

After being gone a long time, focusing on school, I decided to divulge into new fields of writing that I had never tried before. This is riddled with..