Tags : BOW

Egypt's Secret

Egypt's Secret

A Story by Titin

Adelaide, Aiden and Fiona are all orphans so their lives are not exactly easy. Despite this, their fire for adventure still ignites in them. What wi..


A Poem by Cat

This poem is dedicated to all of the young women that were a part of my stays at hospitals. You guys gave me hope.. I hope you can have some to. For a..
INITIATION ULTIMATE, Chapter 12.1:  Narrated by Tharseo

INITIATION ULTIMATE, Chapter 12.1: Narrated by Th..

A Chapter by A.M. Victoria (LostWritin..

Tharseo's first day in the Initiations.


A Poem by CallieCupid

Definitely a new try for me. Please critique as you see fit.
untitled II

untitled II

A Poem by ur_ginger_girl

a poem a wrote in the middle of the night last night. the first lines just randomly popped into my head. I wrote them down, then I wrote the rest this..


A Poem by Johanna

I wrote this in 2014, been keeping it as unpublished for a long time until I found it again now.
I. Dominant Eye

I. Dominant Eye

A Chapter by Dandelion

Hearing the sound of a powerful breeze blowing swiftly, I gaze at the warm leaves hanging from their soaring branches. As the fresh autumn air pu..
Come On

Come On

A Poem by Healing Star

Love to your Soul, Love to your Spirit - a day to lose Control.


A Poem by Ayesha Kaukab

Every time, every where I've my best friend with me to help me out and to give me comfort..................
My Body is a Violin

My Body is a Violin

A Poem by Omikron

Like an instrument I play myselfI hear myselfI feel myselfMy body's like pieces of a violinFragile and thinCommiting sweetness and sinMy veins are the..
The Starboard Lullabies; Ahead

The Starboard Lullabies; Ahead

A Poem by Anna

He pulled the gentle tide up to his chest,a warmer blanket of shell and sea froth.Harbor ships dipped; creak and moan,calm slept beneath where he hid ..


A Poem by t.m.

I was designed with weakness, with fatal flaws. I shall fall, kneel and bow, to the strength of my heart. My head plays a mere min..
My Life as a Huntress

My Life as a Huntress

A Book by Shadowhunter

Catilyn, a normal high school girl by day, a huntress at night. She kills vampires, werewolves, and pretty much evil supernaturals. Her parents were h..
our little game

our little game

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

not sure what this one is up to


A Poem by Richard Williams

Adversity for the archer.
A Bow?

A Bow?

A Poem by Jimmy Glenn

Love and being watched over in a loving way.


A Poem by reveurdecafe

Poetry about bow technique (for the viola)