Tags : Knife



A Chapter by Unwelcomeguest

Chapter 1 The trolls sat in a loose circle beneath the ancient bridge. When they were still each creature could’ve been mistaken for no..
Christmas Slaughter

Christmas Slaughter

A Poem by SilentSKY

Hehe ^_^ I had lots of fun writing this..... >:D
The Knife

The Knife

A Story by Irena

A story I wrote while watching the movie based on the book, "The Lord of the Flies." Although it is not the same story I was inspired by "The Lord ..


A Poem by Kayla

Just read it.
Thank God

Thank God

A Poem by Beth Wilcox

His eyes, I get lost in them. I pray every night ending with "ahmen". I thank God for bringing him in my life before I met him I was basically ru..
In Comes No Reply

In Comes No Reply

A Poem by Neva Flores Smith - Chang..

If any good should come near it would only be a sting...........
Butterfly Knife

Butterfly Knife

A Poem by Roger Morrison

We get high and dissect each other on the couch butterfly knife dances madly
Pain and Pleasure

Pain and Pleasure

A Story by Kia

A girl shows love for her boyfriend and a most unusual way.
Paint the Skin with Scars

Paint the Skin with Scars

A Poem by Nath

Inspired by and based on the song "Paint the Sky with Stars" by Enya. Doesn't have a thing to do with that song, though.


A Story by CT

A psychologist who's core beliefs are shaken to their center. A murderous boy convicted of a shocking crime. One room. And at the center of it all- an..
Bland DayDream

Bland DayDream

A Chapter by YouoweYoupay

Sometimes I...


A Poem by Jack Heslop

The tides are rushing forth to flow through a plughole in her breast. Memory and conscience spill down the blue fields of her blouse. Somewhere a ma..


A Poem by Alkonost

bonemarrow monster bloodwisp, haunts the knife carve flesh formations to faces. bandage maker stitch stabbed, wounds the soil build marble m..
Kill Me

Kill Me

A Poem by Freeminded

Two different interpretations on the same poem. Don't kill me please.