Tags : Westmark



A Chapter by Eddie Davis

King Aedric and Queen Snoe begin working on a plan to save Aaron from the clutches of the Hutcaiah.
Watching and Waiting

Watching and Waiting

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Bruce deals with his sister's slow physical change, while Deborah, the Watcher, finds a sympathetic ear.


A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Lysa awakens a new person.
Bedside Manner

Bedside Manner

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

As she struggles to deal with her new appearance, Lysa has a long talk with her brother, Bruce.
Recovery Plans

Recovery Plans

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Plans are made for rescuing Aaron from the Hutcaiah.
Ready for Action

Ready for Action

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Lysa anxiously waits for Aaron's rescue mission to begin.


A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Aaron is tortured by the Hutcaiah.


A Chapter by Eddie Davis

The rescue party arrives in the Hutcaiah capital.
Moon Goddess

Moon Goddess

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Lysa begins her ruse as the Hutcaiah Moon Goddess to save Aaron from being sacrificed.
Moonlight Pandemonium

Moonlight Pandemonium

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Aaron realizes that he is being rescued, while Lysa and Bruce try to escape with Aaron.
Deep Dark Woods

Deep Dark Woods

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Lysa and Aaron make their way through the mysterious woods.
Fall of the Toi-Migg

Fall of the Toi-Migg

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Aaron and Lysa receive a ghostly history lesson.
Camping Out

Camping Out

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Lysa and Aaron struggle with setting up camp.
Arcane Reconnaissance

Arcane Reconnaissance

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Back in Westmark, Carn and Amala work to persuade the Watchers to help them find Aaron and Lysa.
Black Sheep

Black Sheep

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Carn, Amala and the Watchers meet with Yesh.
Hidden Treasures

Hidden Treasures

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Aaron and Lysa find some ancient relics that might help them.
Night Terrors

Night Terrors

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Aaron is plagued by a remnant effect of the arcane torture he experienced.


A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Freed from their restrictions as Watchers, Sophia, Khord and Deborah set out to rescue Aaron and Lysa.


A Chapter by Eddie Davis

As Aaron and Lysa recover from their ordeal, Sophia and Khord think of their future after years serving as Watchers.
There's no Place like Home

There's no Place like Home

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Lysa and Aaron awaken to find that they are back at Westmark.