Tags : terrorist

R.A.I.N. Observation

R.A.I.N. Observation

A Chapter by Abdul Batin Osman Bey

about an aspect of my daily life
A Little More Time

A Little More Time

A Story by Imara

A father is faced with a choice. Does he sacrifice himself and his daughter to save the people of the world or does he die along with the rest of the ..


A Poem by The Fiddley Scrawler - A ..

On the meaningless, heart-rending terrorist attacks... Scrawled On: Thursday, 14th July 2011
The Undead Terrorist

The Undead Terrorist

A Story by Terrell Kornegay

This is just a character introduction to something I'm planning on writing in the future.
One of Us

One of Us

A Story by Fetish Ewing

Maybe a catalyst for a novella, this story documents a new addition to a traveling freak show who becomes witness to the emotional struggles of others..
Time Expired

Time Expired

A Story by Father Mojo

http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-text&field-keywords=Time+Expired%2CB00G1VNKT0A parking meter at a gravesite brin..
There Were No Survivors

There Were No Survivors

A Story by CptCog

Veteran flyer Dustin suspected nothing wrong on this routine flight.When two men boarded the plane late, however, it did. Before long the plane was hi..
let truth prevail

let truth prevail

A Poem by ayan ali dar

i wrote this poem for my friends father, a senior journalist which was held captive the main reason for that was HE WAS A MUSLIM
Birding by Ear

Birding by Ear

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

The poem requires a mindthat finds meaning, even divination,in language. Non-fiction,up to academic standards, demandsevidence. Nothing less will do.M..


A Poem by Robert Ronnow

In disaster and war moviesthe protagonist (Queen) and her immediate circleare protected from anonymous death. They may die (one by one or all at once)..