Tags : gone

Jack it up.

Jack it up.

A Poem by Pixieblue

I can't even begin. I guess this is about a friend of mine. A life i got caught up in for a while. Injecting is another form of self harm.


A Poem by belle_femme_fatale

My brothers life
The Lost

The Lost

A Poem by Allison

Down . . . down . . . down . . .
The girl they once knew

The girl they once knew

A Story by lissamia4

I feel like I’m drowning. Someone holding my body down and I’m getting sucked into the dark sticky abyss. Tendrils of darkness that fee..


A Poem by Skylar Valentine

A simple poetry about fading love.


A Poem by Rose Black

I fucked him silly. Pulled his manliness out From his young age, And shoved it inside me, Dirty, nasty.
Working on Nothing

Working on Nothing

A Poem by Rose Black

Content was something You could rarely achieve. Never mind anything Better than that.
This Story

This Story

A Poem by Johanna

Never underestimate the power of a book.


A Poem by girondin

I'm broken again
Can You Keep A Secret?

Can You Keep A Secret?

A Poem by 1Disawsum

This is a short poem on a girl reflecting on the lives that she'll possibly change forever when she leaves this Earth.


A Story by The Violent Wolf

micro flash fiction
Brothers Duet

Brothers Duet

A Poem by wakingmaverick

It's about the suicide of a brother. Suddenness met with disbelief, followed by agony, turning into hope.