Tags : religious

Feed Them Yourself

Feed Them Yourself

A Poem by Nokycent

This piece draws inspiration from Mk 6: 37.
A Note to My Daughters

A Note to My Daughters

A Poem by Greg Agee

Something I wrote for my daughter's about what they mean to me
Searching for my Love

Searching for my Love

A Poem by Nokycent

Wisdom is Jesus and Jesus is Wisdom
Breathless Wind

Breathless Wind

A Book by Christoph Poe

A high fantasy about a young man who's poverty and lack of supernatural abilities puts him on the low end of society. As he discovers himself and what..
Supernovae Loins

Supernovae Loins

A Poem by Sergei

Off the walls of the caverns of eternitybounce the cries of one born in flameA child of light tossed to darknessI, but a lowly denizen of the brimston..
Satan and the Problem of Evil

Satan and the Problem of Evil

A Story by ginsy

Matthew 27:46. "And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast t..
The Dirt Manifesto

The Dirt Manifesto

A Story by ginsy

The only way to go to Heaven tomorrow is to kill yourself today.
Snakes in the Fox Hole

Snakes in the Fox Hole

A Story by ginsy

snakes in the fox hole, foxes in the hen house, no humans in my bed.
"Beneath His Wings"

"Beneath His Wings"

A Poem by Kenny Whiting

Everytime I think about What My Gods done for me The more I give my life to Him More mercy I can see! It blows my mind to think how long I ..
"My Father's Hands"

"My Father's Hands"

A Poem by Kenny Whiting

There's times in life I feel I'll break A pain I cannot stand It's in those times I often hide In Hollow of His Hand! He helps me through the toug..
"Faithful Friends"

"Faithful Friends"

A Poem by Kenny Whiting

There's one thing I must share with you, I've learned I can depend On certain people in my life, My family and my friends! I thank you for not jud..
My letter to God

My letter to God

A Poem by Denise

This is my letter to God I know You hear me For I am yours Everything I have, I give to you All I need is you You see me You made me Ple..
A Place To Lay Her Head

A Place To Lay Her Head

A Story by WritingAnchor

"She polluted her sanctuary with a sinful mind and twisted tongue."