Tags : Nonfiction

When God Forgives, He Forgets

When God Forgives, He Forgets

A Poem by Randy Johnson

God is so glorious that when he forgives, he also forgets.When he forgives a sin, committing that sin is something that we no longer have to fret.When..
Nyx’s Advocates

Nyx’s Advocates

A Story by Celeste Lucy Zaveri

Nyx's Advocates is an organization of activists, and a series of nonfiction books promoting the rights of children, teenagers, women, girls, Native Am..
Magnificent Mother

Magnificent Mother

A Poem by Randy Johnson

Priceless In The Eyes of God

Priceless In The Eyes of God

A Poem by Randy Johnson

If you feel worthless and think that nobody cares, it's not true.You are priceless in the eyes of God and he won't abandon you.When some people become..
Satan Is Coming After You

Satan Is Coming After You

A Poem by Randy Johnson

Satan is working extra hard and he's coming after me and you.We must resist his evil temptations, that is what we must do.When Lucifer makes people do..
The Ironic Death

The Ironic Death

A Poem by Randy Johnson

Death can't bring about life but that wasn't so in Jesus's case.When he died, it brought about immortality for the Human Race.Because of Jesus's death..
The Struggle

The Struggle

A Book by Juan Rangel

The struggle of a teenager with English and other things
Resist The Temptation

Resist The Temptation

A Poem by Randy Johnson

The world gets worse as each day passes and that's no exaggeration.When you are tempted to commit a sin, please resist the temptation.If you want to h..
Throwing Away Bibles

Throwing Away Bibles

A Poem by Randy Johnson

My cousin has seen many Bibles that people have thrown away.Bibles are our greatest possessions, the world has seen better days.The Bible is like a le..
Ignoring God

Ignoring God

A Poem by Randy Johnson

Too many people don't believe in The Almighty Godanymore.They don't believe in him, God is somebody who they ignore.So many of today's people are non-..
Remember Jesus

Remember Jesus

A Poem by Randy Johnson

When you're tempted to commit a sin, remember God's son.When you're tempted, ask yourself what Jesus would'vedone.Jesus Christ has never sinned, he wa..
Rain and I

Rain and I

A Story by Riker

I stood with bare feet on the cold nighttime pavement of my backyard. Water seeped in between my toes as I watched with eyes wide open in fear of miss..
Trump's Triumph

Trump's Triumph

A Poem by Randy Johnson

Donald Trump has 306 electoral votes and Hillary Clinton has 232.Hillary's supporters are causing violence and that is a lousy thing to do.Her support..
God's Gift of Existence

God's Gift of Existence

A Poem by Randy Johnson

In the beginning, God was the only one who had the gift of existence and he shared that gift with us.God also gave the gift of existence to Jesus and ..
God Can Be Mankind's Only Salvation

God Can Be Mankind's Only Salvation

A Poem by Randy Johnson

God is the only chance for salvation that Mankind has got.We need The Lord now and we need him a lot.Some people commitmurder, rape and other terrible..
A dance with the Devil

A dance with the Devil

A Story by AlexThePoet60

This is a story poem about a girl I fell for and soon noticed she wasn't an ordinary girl.
The Religion and Magick of Ancient Egypt

The Religion and Magick of Ancient Egypt

A Book by Karly Cassidy

This book goes into the history of Egyptian religion, the myths of their gods and goddesses, and information about modern Kemeticism that exists today..
Ruth and Boaz

Ruth and Boaz

A Poem by Randy Johnson

There was a special woman in the Bible and her name was Ruth.She was loyal to her Mother-In-Law and God and that is the truth.Ruth's Mother-In-Law was..
Hillary Clinton Gone Wild

Hillary Clinton Gone Wild

A Poem by Randy Johnson

This is a true poem about the Clintons behavior when Hillary lost.
The Baptism of Jesus

The Baptism of Jesus

A Poem by Randy Johnson

The Baptism of Jesus was a great experience and because of it, you and I are moved.When Jesus was baptized, God said "This is my son, the beloved, who..

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