Tags : modern

Peter Pan's Jade

Peter Pan's Jade

A Story by Abishai100

Can a 'real-life Peter Pan' orchestrate 'capitalism media-machinations' for Windy City blue-prints for the gem-piracy dream-runner(s)?
UltraMagnus/Cyclonus: ActiVision (Montessori!)

UltraMagnus/Cyclonus: ActiVision (Montessori!)

A Story by Abishai100

A tale of civilization seamstress-modelization for modern post-Eugenics capitalism.
Immortals: Dartmouth/Salk

Immortals: Dartmouth/Salk

A Story by Abishai100

A tale of capitalism-defense for modern sociocultural vision(s) of dragons.
Four/Hammond: The Golden Child*

Four/Hammond: The Golden Child*

A Story by Abishai100

Rivals on diagonal axes confront the modernized issue/subject of capitalism metaphysics.
Faerie-Humanoids: Carlito's Way!

Faerie-Humanoids: Carlito's Way!

A Story by Abishai100

Can a faerie-human on Earth create a vigilante-ring in the Windy City for 'serious' American patriotism?
Storm-Shadow: M-Dartmouth

Storm-Shadow: M-Dartmouth

A Story by Abishai100

A civilization imagination diorama featuring life-crosses between politics...and divinity!
Starland Depression: Ozalea

Starland Depression: Ozalea

A Story by Abishai100

A dioramic vignette about the 'quality' of new-era thinking in regards to the urbanization/traffic decimal(s).


A Story by Abishai100

A diary-like presentation of a Boston-cabbie and his vision of 'dry' civilization.
Bones-Gate: Egyptian Dean*

Bones-Gate: Egyptian Dean*

A Story by Abishai100

A certain institution in New England may be likened to a 'diadem' of pluralism-culture drawings in Western capitalism/drywall(s).


A Story by Abishai100

A grand diorama of divine-intervention for modern civilization hellmouths, involving 'faeries' and dashes of distance.
Thespian Crossing

Thespian Crossing

A Story by Abishai100

A tale of Oscar-night memory, rediscovered respect, and grateful laurels.
Airport: Faeries (Dial-Tone)

Airport: Faeries (Dial-Tone)

A Story by Abishai100

A strange fable about 'faeries' rescuing-the-day inside JFK for what's 'surely' to become a 'folk-tale' of modern Western traffic drama.
Misfits: Northern Ireland (Ravi)

Misfits: Northern Ireland (Ravi)

A Story by Abishai100

The iconic 'Misfits' enjoy a 'dish' of Ravi (Indian curry-pasta!) after 'dealing' with a mighty force of piracy-dreads.
Qatar Hawk Up

Qatar Hawk Up

A Story by Abishai100

As the Qatar Cup [2022] approaches, a Bugle-journalist and ex-soldier (Amlan Satan) has to 're-arm' and join a unified front against anti-globalism do..
Venger's Royals-Topps!

Venger's Royals-Topps!

A Story by Abishai100

Narrated 'strange-daydream' about a professor who thinks he's an alien-sorcerer born on Earth and collects 'treasures' of the dune(s).
Faerie Manhattan: Dropout

Faerie Manhattan: Dropout

A Story by Abishai100

Diorama of modern Western/American urban civics/sanity involving angst-cops/vigilantism and ascending 'faeries' with 'swords' for diamonds.
The Tower: Dowry-of-Pat

The Tower: Dowry-of-Pat

A Story by Abishai100

A tale of skyscraper-rescue in the Windy City which beckons us (all!) to think why post-9/11 era urban 'faith' can link to a 'faerie' tale.
Metroplex: Atlantic-City

Metroplex: Atlantic-City

A Story by Abishai100

Representation of post-Orwellian urbanization storyboards, an intersection of casino-beach and robot-toy yields strange drywall(s).
Cruise-Control(s): Faerie-DropFX

Cruise-Control(s): Faerie-DropFX

A Story by Abishai100

A strange magic-inquiry vignette about Western media-imagination(s) featuring a 'celebrity' in pursuit of 'proof(s)' of faerie-existence/dragons.
The Jewel of India!

The Jewel of India!

A Story by Abishai100

A 'world-man' named Satan discovers he's about to be 'drawn' as a 'character' in a modern setting/time of great...depression!