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Tags : Teenagers

Microstory 200: Keegan Honors

Microstory 200: Keegan Honors

A Story by Nick Fisherman

This is the final experimental Bellevue Profile microstory. The introduction can be found in Microstory 101.


A Poem by Skye

A paycheck. A bill. How much do I owe? House mortgage. Loan interest. Debt keeps compounding. Suffering and drowning with hearts that w..
On Our Own

On Our Own

A Book by Sloan Julia

The story of two teenagers forced to enter the real world at 17 and 18 years old.
The Unknowns

The Unknowns

A Book by Luix Rives

Sixteen year old Gabriel Luis is top ranked in the martial arts circuit but after thwarting a robbery and attempted kidnapping, an opportunity is give..
Microstory 222: Shadows

Microstory 222: Shadows

A Story by Nick Fisherman

This is a microstory. You'll have to read it to find out what it's about.


A Book by Georgia

Lennon had always dreamed of adventure, of a new life - but never ever had her dreams consisted of what she got.


A Chapter by Georgia

“No,” The vampire, Alexei, began with a small grin. “This is the one the boss wants,”The other vampire frowned. “So we c..
The Legend Of Billy Brand

The Legend Of Billy Brand

A Story by Dorian Dreddmor

A highschool girl takes a shortcut home, when she hears a warning in the voice of someone already dead...
It's a Tough Decision

It's a Tough Decision

A Book by ac

A boy flees to try and start a new life, leaving everything he knows behind. What he finds though, may bring him back to what he ran from.


A Poem by Sabriya A.R

Inspired and written for a friend.
The Fight: Chapter One

The Fight: Chapter One

A Book by Brittany Bostic

The first chapter of my book that is to be published in a few weeks. This is just a sample of what is to come.
Chapter One: Boxing

Chapter One: Boxing

A Chapter by Brittany Bostic

1. BoxingMY brother Cam makes a quick noise of pain before he hits me in the face and then steps bac..